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Killua slammed hard into the ground. he didn't know how he fell or where he was, but he knew that he was alone. "Fucking god" Killua stood up, then looked down. I look half dead. There were gashes all over him, his shirt was ripped and torn as well. Then he felt a bolt of pain, it wasn't visible but it hurt like hell. I can't remember what happened. "HEY YOU!" his eyes snapped up to see a police officer running down the alleyway he had fallen in. "yeah?" he said, turning. Then he pulled a gun out. "S-Stay right where you are!" Killua blinked, "what did I do?" the officer was obviously terrified by the way his hands were trembling. He pointed to the ground next to him and his eyes followed the hand. "HOLY SHIT!" he jumped a good few inches in the air at the three dead bodies that were lying on the ground. Not that dead bodies scared him, it was just unexpected. Killua crouched and inspected them, only to hear a faint breath coming from one of the children. The group was a small family it seemed, and he couldn't ignore the child. "the kid's not dead, if you hurry you can-" there was a gunshot and he dodged, then froze. His eyes slowly drifted over to where the kid was. Did he just, shoot her?

Killua felt his bloodlust surge and the officer gasped, taking a step back. "YOU JUST KILLED THAT KID! SOME POLICE OFFICER YOU ARE" he snarled, hands sharpening into claws. He bolted behind him and put a claw to his neck. "I did not kill those people, I did not kill that child" he hissed in a low tone. "but I will not stand for a police officer shooting a kid" than he slit his throat. There was a thump and a splat, his clothes were ruined. Killua walked over to the kid and put a hand on her chest, it wasn't moving anymore. He closed his eyes and grabbed a discarded blanket, the alley was filthy but it somehow had not a scrap of dust on it. What a shame. He gently wrapped her in it, combing her hair with his fingers and positioning her to make her look like she was sleeping. He then left a note, 'a police officer shot this kid, so I killed him' then he dragged the officer's dead body over and violently ripped his guts out. He heard footsteps and ducked behind a box, activating Zetsu. "304 didn't respon- WE NEED BACKUP" he slowly peeked out and saw a black haired police officer run over and examine the other one's corpse. "what the hell..." his eyes glanced around quickly and landed on the kid. He walked over and put a hand on her head. "she's not breathing... why is this one not violently-" then he gasped, presumably because he saw the note. "I'm here, what's the situation?"

A female officer with orange hair and green eyes came jogging to the seen with a gun drawn. "they're all dead, but..." he gestured to the kid as the female officer glanced quickly over the couple. "the murderer left a note saying that this officer shot a kid" her eyes widened. "let me see" she came over and unwrapped the blanket, probing at the wound. "there's a bullet in here, check 304's gun" he did as he was told and a hand went to his mouth. "t-there's one bullet missing. And only his own fingerprints are on it" exactly. He shifted a little and suddenly his eyes locked with the orange haired officer. "FREEZE" she shouted, aiming her gun. Killua clenched his teeth a little. I don't know how long I can keep this up. Where the hell even am I? the other officer drew his gun and pointed it in the same direction. "slowly come out with your hands behind your head" he deactivated Zetsu and got to his feet, then took a step out from behind the box. The woman's eyes went wide with shock. "oh god, are you alright?" he blinked, then looked down at his ripped clothes. "I gue-" he heard a gunshot and dodged, rolling sideways and ducking behind cover. "what the hell!" the woman yelled. "he's a suspect! His voice could activate his quirk" there was more arguing and he peeked his head out again.

"he's just a kid! And he's injured" Killua cleared his throat and they stopped fighting. "I'm not a kid, I'm 15" that was a lie, he was actually 13 but they didn't need to know that. The woman shot an 'I told you so' look at the other officer. "c'mon kid, we gotta take you to the-" Killua tensed, getting into a defensive position. His stance didn't go unnoticed by the woman. "hell no, I don't trust you guys" she put her gun on her hip. "why not?" his eyes narrowed slightly. "one of your officers shot a kid" he pointed to the little girl and they both froze. "you saw that?" he nodded. "yea-" then the guy brought his gun up as he yelled. "you killed these people!" he frowned slightly. "people? no" he pointed to the violently murdered police officer. "he shot a kid, so I killed him" then he pointed to the couple. "those two were dead when I got here. I kind of fell out of the sky" the woman drew her gun but kept it low, but the male's eyes narrowed. "that sounds like a load of bullshit" he shifted a little and slipped his hands into his pockets, resting on his 20 KG knife. "just let me go alright? This doesn't need to be difficu-" there was a gunshot and he whipped his knife out, deflecting it. There was dead silence for a few seconds and he twirled the knife with his fingers. "wow. Do all officers shoot kids?" he shot a glare at the male officer and he raised his gun again. "your obviously a criminal! You admitted it!" the female officer put her hand on his gun. "stand down!"

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