Chapter 14

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*Carlos's Hallucinations* 

I opened my eyes to find my self laying in a bright white room.  i got up and started to wonder around. 






no one answered. 

i was still walking around when Aiden popped up. 

"Aiden?" i said walking closer. when i was right in front of him, i punched him in the face. 

he fell down and i looked down at my hands. 

'why did i do that?' 

"i-i'm sorry" i said shaking. i don't want to hurt him. 

he got up and then i punched him again. 

"your useless!" i covered my mouth. i can't control it. 

i kicked him and then made him stand up. i tried to stop but i can't. 

"Carlos please stop!" he yelled in fear. but i didn't i kept on punching, kicking, anything. 

i was hurting him bad, and he wasn't healing. 

i kept hitting him and saying really hurtful words. all of a sudden i dropped him. 

i got down on my knees, checking his pulse. it was weak. 

"I'M SORRY" i yelled. 

i looked down at him. a tear rolled down from his eye as he took his last breathe. 

"Aiden??" i started to shake him. 

"Aiden!!!" i started to cry. 

"this is all my fault..." i whispered. 

"Carlos!" i heard someone yell. i looked from Aiden and looked around. no one was there. 

"Carlos!!" i heard lexi yell. 


"i'm here!" she yelled back. 

"Carlos!" Louis yelled this time. 

"i-i'm sorry i killed him." i said. 

i heard Lexi, Louis, and Claire yelling telling me that it wasn't real. but it felt so real. 

"i killed Aiden! i'm sorry..." 

it went silent. 

"carlos! i'm here, you didn't kill me." Aiden yelled. 

"it's not real, please come back i me!" 


all of a sudden there was a flash. and we were back at Deaton's Clinic. all the parents were looking sad. but Corey and Mason were crying. 

"what's wrong?" Lexi said. 

"yeah and where is Beverley?" Claire asked. the parents pointed to where Beverly was. 

we all started to cry...

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