Chapter 10

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before i start, i just want to say sorry that defeating the villain is going by fast, i didn't really have lots of ideas. 


"ok yall lay down" Deaton said to the kids. They all laid down on different tables. 

"ok make sure you don't die" Theo said. 

"yeah no duh sherlock" Lexi said rolling her eyes. 

"one be nice, two this is serious" Stiles said to his daughter. Lexi nodded. 

"i know" she said as Deaton put something on her to make her go to sleep.

*Lexi's Hallucinations* 

i woke up and i was in the beaming white room. i had to blink multiple times to get used to the brightness. 

i walked around what left like hours. all of a sudden Louis pops up, i know its not really him. 

"i love you Lexi" he said. 

"i love you too Louis" Lexi said. why did i say that?! i couldn't control it. he took my hand and the scenery changed. we were in the park on a blanket. it looked like a picnic. 

"i hope you enjoy the food" Louis said. 

i looked down and saw a peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich in my hand. 

i took a bite of the sandwich and then the scenery changed again. we were at school but Louis was not beside me, he was beside Ava. he kissed her, i couldn't help but cry. 

"i- i thought you love me" i stuttered. all of a sudden my past exes came up. 

"ew no" one said. 

"your ugly" another said 

"your weird" 

"she is prettier" 

"you eat to much"

 these were all the things my exes said before they left with their new girlfriend. 

"Louis?" i said still crying. 

"why would i ever love you?" i fell down crying. they were coming close to me. i stood up.

"why? because i'm freaking great! i feel pretty bad for you, you guys are messing some pretty great things! you don't know know me, all yall want is my body, but i do some crazy crap to make people laugh. i am great no matter what you say!" i yelled walking closer to them. 

then the high pitched screech came and everyone plugged their ears. i looked down at my self and saw that i was disappearing? in a blink of an eye i saw Louis. i saw a glass room and Louis was on the floor crying... 

bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals! i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day or night! 

peace, Lexi 

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