Chapter 7

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hey guys, gals and non-binary pals!!! i hope you are enjoying this book so far. 

this is when the kids had the party but in the parents POV

sorry haven't been posting. 

ok on to the story


Stiles and Derek where in the car driving to Deaton's. when they got there, everyone was there. 

"ok so i have heard from Liam, that yall are getting these hallucinations?" Deaton said. 

"yes but their not just hallucinations" Scott said crossing his arms  

"yeah, we only get them when we are asleep." Erica said. 

"and they are...i'm guessing our fears." Theo mentioned. Deaton sat there thinking. 

"and you all experienced this?" Deaton asked, they all nodded. Deaton went and walked into the back. a few moments later he came back with a folder. 

He opened the folder. 

"Shadow of Fears?" Derek said. 

"that sounds stupid." Liam said. 

"anyway, you see S.O.F. is something that enters your mind, like void but you can't see it. no one knows what it looks like...when you go to sleep it comes into your mind and gives you hallucinations. but like you said, they are your greatest fear. the only way to get rid of it is if you face your fear. and if you don't then...your dead."

Everyone was silent. 

"but he or she only goes after kids. if parents have these hallucinations then its there child who will have to face their fears."

It was silent again.

"and we are all having these hallucinations...our children will have to face their fears...or die/" Isaac said. 

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