Chapter 8

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*In Lexi's Mind* 

I was in the hallway with my friends we were talking about practice for lacrosse and basketball. all of a sudden I couldn't breathe. 

"Lexi are you ok?" someone asked. i was turning around trying to find the person who said. everything was blurry. 


'Louis? that was louis why can i only hear him' 

"Louis" i said before running into the bathroom.  I sat down trying to breathe. 

"Lexi look at me!" Louis said. i looked up and i saw his face perfectly but nothing else. i'm still trying to breathe when i look up at him. 

"what's wrong?"  

"i- i don't know...i just can't breathe" 

"listen to the sound of my voice"  

I listened to his voice as he was trying to calm me down then all of a sudden there was a high pitch screech. i put my hands up to my ears as the sound got louder. 



"AHHHHHH!!!" the door flew open. 

"Lexi! Lexi your ok!" Stiles said. hugging his daughter as Derek turned on the lights. 

" felt so real" Lexi looked at her hands. Stiles and Derek exchanged looks. 

*At School* 

"it felt so real..." Lexi said putting her books in her locker. 

"we all had similar dreams but at the very end it was a high pitch screech." Claire said. 

"yeah..." they all said. 

"what do you think it is?" Beverley asked.  

"i don't know but its freaking me out" Aiden said while Lexi closed her locker. They started walking to chemistry. 

"eh its not that bad" Carlos said shrugging. 

"ok Mr. Touch Guy" Lexi said rolling her eyes and walking into the class. 

"haha" Carlos said sarcastically. They sat down in their seats. 

"whatever it is our parents will know about it" Louis said. 

"yeah" they all said. 

"we will ask them after school" Lexi said, they all nodded. 

i'm giving a shoutout to my bestfriend, Finnwolfhard2200

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