23 | Brother's Under the Sun

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OPENING her eyes, Jess let out an air of relief that the pain is over

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OPENING her eyes, Jess let out an air of relief that the pain is over.

"Jess." Clark's voice rang through her ears. She looked down at their hands as her brain stopped working. "Jess, are you okay?" He asked, pushing away her hair from her face.

She just collapsed in his arms, holding him as tight as she could. "I heard them, Clark... I heard them." She whispered as Clark ran his hand over her hair. Jess pulled away to look at her brother with a teary smile. "They believe in me."

"Whoever doesn't are wrong." He smiled back. "Because I know if there is one person who can defeat an entire army, it's you."

"He's right," Lara spoke, startling Clark. "Kalura-El, you've come a long way, paved with difficult trials." She softened her features. "Those difficulties are no longer with you. Any mother can only hope that her child's feats will one day humble her. But it's your soul, Kalura, that I'm most proud of. You, and only you, have the courage, determination, and compassion required to lift the darkness from Earth. I'd like you to keep one thing in mind," Lara bent down to both of them, pushing away her dress. "Your abilities are of my blood, but it is your time in Smallville, with Jonathan and Martha Kent, and all the people in your life, that has made you a hero. You, my children, are the most precious gift any mother could ask for." Lara turned to Clark with the same, motherly smile. "Seize your destiny and never let it go."

The wise words of Lara stirred something deep within Jessica. Maybe it was because the woman she's wanted to meet for so long believed in her, believed in her when she couldn't. She will do right by her and everyone who believed in her, even if it kills her. "Until we meet again, my moons." The key in the console popped up, making Lara's hologram disappear.

Clark starred at where Lara once stood with his mouth agape. "Was that...?"

"Our mother." Jess smiled. "And she was everything I hoped for and more."

Clark helped Jess up from the floor. When he steadied her, she hugged him with a happy laugh. The two held each other tightly, their bond stronger than it's ever been before. Jessica felt tears seep through her eyelids. "Are you okay?" She asked, not letting him go. "How did you know I was here?" Jessica looked up at him.

"You were always looking for answers." She pulled away from him. "I figured we'd find it together."

Jess felt herself exhale. "I thought you wouldn't come."

"I know... I... just got out of a wooden box." He chuckled. "I figured it was time to fly again."

"What was it like?" Jessica mumbled. "Coming back?"

He paused for a second, trying to find the right words. "Itchy."

Jess rolled her eyes. "I mean, honestly."

Clark chuckled. "Weird, in so many ways. But mostly just..." He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know how to explain it. I just remember seeing dad and Jor-El. It was an interesting conversation."

Jess bit the inside of her cheek. "I wasn't strong..." She spoke quietly. "You would've been very disappointed in me." She sighed crossing her arms. "I wasn't... Jessica Kent, dedicated hero. I was lost." She showed him her scarred wrist, making Clark's face shift into shock. "So lost..."

Clark wrapped his arms around her yet again with a small frown. "You're still the strongest woman I know." He kissed the top of her head. "But I'm back now... and I'm gonna make things right."

Jess grabbed her key from the console before joining her brother again. Hand in hand, they walked away from the Genesis chamber. They left behind the troubles of the past to move forward with the task at hand. "The ship knows we're here." Jess spoke through the quiet air.

"It does." Clark agreed, seeing their inherited suits light up. Clark stopped upon seeing two doors that hadn't opened. They both stopped to investigate with furrowed brows. Then the doors opened, enlightening their faces as they stared in awe.

Before them were two black and silver suits, waiting to be worn. Simultaneously, they grabbed their suits as Clark put his on. Jess, on the other hand, had a plan. "Steppenwolf thinks I still don't have my powers."


"He's this general from another planet, he's hellbent on combining the Mother Boxes to bring Darkseid here." Jess explained, leaving Clark to understand what she said. She put her black jumpsuit over what she was wearing. "All we have right now is the element of surprise."

Clark nodded his head in agreement. "Then lets show him who we are."

The door to the Scout ship opened, the air blowing around the twins. It wafted around Clark's cape, making it ripple in waves. Jess looked up at the dark sky like a brand-new person. She kneeled to the floor, besides her brother, and placed her fists on the ground. She closed her eyes and let the warm air embrace her like an old friend. When her eyes snapped open, she saw the rubble around her dancing around her hand. With a look to her brother and up at the sky, they zoomed off into the blue sky.

Jess felt her hair whip back and forth against the wind, the way the clouds overshadowed her vision, and finally broke the atmosphere. She felt like a bird free out of her lonely cage. A bird that sings to its heart's content as it soars through the skies of freedom.

Looking at her surroundings, she spread her arms out, letting the sun's rays engulf her. She then looked at the world and the stars that pricked at its blackened background like popped pixels. Jessica closed her eyes, calm flooding her senses.

Almost instinctively, she held her hand out to her brother with her eyes closed. Clark grabbed it, pulling her into another hug with a smile on his face. They stayed within each other's arms, floating through the emptiness of space.

It signified rebirth, the light showing new possibilities, the silence indicating the beginning, and their conjoined heartbeats denoting life. They were icons in more ways than one whether they cared to admit it or not.

"We have to go." Jess spoke through the silence. "Alfred needs to explain the plan."

Clark only agreed. "You lead the way."


ALFRED hummed a song to himself to keep himself occupied.

While he waited for both Jessica and Bruce, he decided to fix up the car that belonged to Bruce's father. He scratched at his cheek with a sigh. The waiting was almost impossible for Alfred. Suddenly, a loud boom rattled the tools on the table and made ripples in Alfred's bourbon.

Alfred looked to see Clark landing with Jess in his arms. He placed her down on the ground before following her inside. Jess smiled widely at Alfred before standing beside him. "I'm assuming you're Alfred." Clark smiled, noticing the shocked look that the old butler gave him.

"Master Kent..." He looked at Jess with a nod. "Madam Kent." He paused. "Wait, do you still have no powers?"

"No..." Jess sighed, lying straight through her teeth. "But we do have him." She smiled at Clark. "It's all we need right now." Jess walked over to her sword and shield, fixing the holster on her back. Her brother stared at her in confusion. "I'm now considered part Amazonian." She waved him off. "It's a long story."

"I'll take your word for it." Clark nodded.

"Well, Master Kent, he said you'd come." Alfred looked at Clark. "Now, let's hope you two are not too late."

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