19 | Waiting for Superman

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CLARK snapped his eyes open at the feeling of being yanked away from the other side

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CLARK snapped his eyes open at the feeling of being yanked away from the other side.

The top part of his torso was bare as he exploded through the top of the ship. A giant explosion of water broke through the roof of the scout ship. Jess covered her face with her arms as it drenched her sleeves. "Everyone alright?" Diana asked, mainly asking for Jess's sake. With no response, she turned around. "Jessica?"

Jess was off, running down the walkway that leads into the Genesis chamber. The minute she saw the hole in the roof, she knew her brother was alive. She could feel him within her soul again, breathing life into her once cold heart. "I'm coming Clark." She said to herself. "Just hold on!"

She turned a sharp corner, slipping on her footing as she crashed to the floor. "Hey!" A guard shouted. "You aren't supposed to be in here!" Jess cursed to herself, using one of Bruce's smoke pellets that he gave her in case something, like this, happened. She slipped past the coughing guard with ease, crashing through the doors of S.T.A.R. Labs as Silas stepped in her path.

"Superwoman!" He stopped her. "What's going on?!" He asked. "Did it work?"

"I don't have time to..." The Mother Box crashed into a cop cruiser. Everyone around it flinched at the loud sound. "Talk." Jess stared at the box. She knew she needed to stay with the Box, but she couldn't stay away from her brother. He needed a familiar face to see and if he sees someone unfamiliar, it might not end as well as everyone thinks.

"Take care of the box, Dr. Stone, I'll be right back." She ordered while pointing to the box.

"Where are you going?"

"To go see my brother!" She answered while running off.

Meanwhile, Clark looked around at his surroundings, he had no recollection of where he was. It made him anxious, fearful almost. He felt as though there was a piece of him that was wandering around somewhere, pleading to find her.

"Her?" He mumbled to himself in the air. The pronoun came, almost, naturally to him. It slipped off his tongue like honey and made him feel warm at the thought of her. He couldn't find another word to name her off as. It was a different feeling he held for her, not romantic but platonic.

He felt closer to this female than he did anyone in his whole life. The flying man turned his gaze down to a giant green field with stones in the center. He landed near the Memorial of the Lost where the righteous battles took place. Clark swallowed thickly at the thought that she could be up there.

Heavy thuds behind him alerted that there was a presence. Clark turned around to face the team of supers, Arthur stood tense noticing the way he looked at them. Clark narrowed his eyes, using his X-ray vision to scope out what's happening. He's never seen these people before. He didn't want to see them, he wanted to see her.

"He's back..." Diana smiled.

When Arthur noticed Clark staring at them, quite intensely, he started to get antsy. "He's not all right..." He mumbled with wide eyes.

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