13 | Battle Cry

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JESSICA zipped up her jacket, adjusting her holster strap to fit it more comfortably in between her chest

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JESSICA zipped up her jacket, adjusting her holster strap to fit it more comfortably in between her chest.

"Are you sure you're ready to go back out there?" Diana asked.

"If these disappearances have anything to do with Steppenwolf and his Parademons, I have to go." Jess explained. Bruce was the first one to leave, followed by Barry. Diana decided that it would be faster to fly to the source of the light than Jess take the motorcycle.

She motioned for Jess to hop into her arms. With a nervous groan from Jess, Diana just picked Jess up into her arms. "Hold on tight."

"Oh god." Jess breathed as Diana zoomed out of the cave. Although she wasn't as fast as Jess used to be, Jess soon came to the realization that she got airsick pretty fast. She hadn't eaten anything all day, a new norm, and still wanted to throw up.

They landed right beside the Batmobile with a heavy thud. Bruce caught sight of Jess's green face and frazzled hair. He took her from Diana's arms with a grunt. "Are you okay?" Barry asked. "Last I remember, you aren't supposed to look... well green."

"Newfound discovery, I get airsick." She tried not to gag as she spoke. "Just put me down before I throw up all over your cape."

Bruce placed her on the hood of the Batmobile. He pushed a few strands of hair away from her face as Jess shook her head to try and get rid of her nausea.

Diana felt her stomach flip at the way his face twisted into concern. She knew, at the way he was acting, he was completely in love with Jess, even if he would deny it if you were to ask him.

This, selfishly, made her chances with Jessica even lower. Diana knew it wasn't the right time, nor the place, to get into her head about her feelings, but it seemed her head was conflicted about everything now a days.

"We should go see what's going on." Jess started, jumping off the hood of the Batmobile. "I'll take the stairs up." Before she could get to the back door ahead of all of them, Bruce grabbed her arm.

They were a couple of feet away from Diana and Barry, making their conversation a little more private. "By the time you get all the way up there, we'll be halfway done with whatever Gordon turned the light on for."

"Then you can fill me in on whatever happened once I get up there." Jess opened the door, but Bruce slammed it closed. "Jesus Christ, Bruce, what is your deal?"

"Why are you really doing this?"

"Because I have a duty, to the Amazons, to defeat Steppenwolf and avenge the women who believed in me. I will do it anyway I know how." Bruce clenched his jaw, no matter how much he wanted to object, he couldn't.

He pulled out his grappling hook and held his hand out. Jess stared at his hand with disdain at the thought of getting nauseous again. "You'll be fine."

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