4 | Time of Dying

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JESSICA saddled up her hose, ready to continue her journey in the mountains

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JESSICA saddled up her hose, ready to continue her journey in the mountains.

Hippolyta laid her hand on her hip with a deep sigh. "Remember, this is not a punishment. This is too...-"

"Find myself, I know my queen." Jessica smiled, bowing slightly.

Hippolyta placed her hand on Jessica's cheek with a small smile. "You remind me of my Diana so much." She sighed. "Fulfill your purpose."

Before Jess could turn around to leave, she stopped abruptly. "My queen!" Menalippe shouted. "The box has activated itself!"

Hippolyta's whole body tensed up, she remembered the battle, the monsters, everything. "By the gods..."

"What box?" Jessica asked. "What's happening?"

Hippolyta swallowed thickly and turned her blue eye gaze to Jessica. "Gear up Kalura, I fear your journey has just begun."

With quick movements, Jessica geared up and jumped up onto her horse. "Hyah!" The four women rode off towards the giant Themascarian stone edifice known as the house of the box. Jessica was the first off her horse, followed by Hippolyta and Menalippe.

The three entered inside as Jessica was slapped with how thick the tension was. She knew her sixth sense was gone, but that didn't stop her from feeling something was seriously wrong. "Any changes?" Hippolyta asked one of her warriors.

"No, my queen." Epione answered with her bow still drawn.

Menalippe glanced at Hippolyta. "The Mother Box has awoken, yet nothing has happened."

"It has slept for thousands of years since the First Age." Hippolyta replied, turning around to face her general.

"Then why did it wake at all?" Jess muttered with her eyebrows furrowed. "Unless..."

Menalippe looked at Jess. "Unless what Kryptonian?"

"Unless it knows I'm here." Jess replied just as the box powered down. The glowing in the crack disappeared into darkness once more.

Menalippe gasped softly at the scene. "This is the first time it's gone quiet since the crack appeared."

"Maybe it's going back to sleep." Phillipus spoke nervously, brown eyes never leaving the dead box.

"Evil does not sleep." Hippolyta turned around to stare at the box. "It waits." Just as those words left her lips, the box began to whirl, lighting the crack in the box once again.

"Something's coming." Jessica gulped.

"Prepare for battle!" Hippolyta shouted as everyone grunted in unison, strong and ready to have their adversary's blood soak their blades. As the whirling intensified, the arched pulled their strings back as far as they could. Jess knew something dark was coming, she could feel it in her bones.

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