2 | Ashes of Eden

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PERKED atop a snowy mountain with his horse, Bruce Wayne uncovered his face mask his goggles to look upon the small Icelandic town

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PERKED atop a snowy mountain with his horse, Bruce Wayne uncovered his face mask his goggles to look upon the small Icelandic town.

He finished his trek down the side of the mountain and strolled into the quiet town. They all stared at him in awe. They don't get visitors often, even if they do, it's on accident or they're stranded. The people of the village watched the new stranger walk into the small building that was housing a town meeting.

Although impolite, Bruce had no time for formalities. The mayor of the town sat like a stone on his throne with narrowed eyes at the newcomer. He took in Bruce's tall and coated form.

The city boy appeared tired, something not atypical to the individuals who know the man inside and out. He also carried a full graying beard that itched his cheeks every chance it got. Rough wasn't even in Bruce's vocabulary anymore.

He handed the mayor a simple black card with his name, corporate email, and the Wayne Enterprise logo. "Bruce Vayne..." He muttered, trying to pronounce the name in English. "Bruce Vayne..." He repeated one last time before pushing his tongue on the inside of his cheek.

He tapped the pointed edge of the business card with a deep breath. "Stuðningsstuðlar Storms í sex daga. Hvaðan kom hann? Storm's grounded choppers for six days. Where did he come from?" The mayor grunted towards another tall, bulky, long-haired man right beside him.

"Hann sagðist hafa klifrað yfir fjallið. He said he climbed over the mountain." He answered as the mayor looked unmoved.

"Ómögulegt. Impossible." He turned his gaze back over to Bruce who stood there with a blank expression on his face.

With a flick of a few fingers, the man with the long hair veered around with a purse of his lips. "Talk."

"I believe there's a stranger, comes to this village from the sea. He comes in the winter when the people are hungry... and brings fish. He comes on the king tide... That was last night." Bruce explained as he pressed the scarf away from his mouth a little more.

The man turned around to translate what Bruce said. The mayor smirked in amusement. "You have eyes to see. Icebergs in the harbor. It's four months since the last ship got through."

"Well, this stranger doesn't come by ship. There are enemies coming from far away. I need warriors. I'm building an alliance, to defend ourselves." When Bruce noticed that the people weren't cooperating with him, he resorted to his next option. "Look, I'll give you $25,000 to talk to this man right now outside."

The man in the chair smirked and looked to the other people in the room. Everyone burst laughing after the long-haired man translated what he said. Bruce looked around the room for a few seconds before turning his attention back to the mayor.

"Eitthvað segir mér að hann muni bara gefa mér það. Something tells me that he'll just give it to me anyway." The people in the room along with the man on the chair began to erupt in laughter. "How dare this dog speak to us like children?" The mayor spat. "Ooh, magical man from the sea." He mocked cruelly. "We are poor, not stupid. Get out."

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