The Beginning Of The End

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It had been a few weeks after what had happened on the ship. The Asgardian people were saved, making new lives for their family's. Loki and I hadn't had chance to talk about what had happened as he was off helping Thor on some kind of brotherly mission. Which I wish I was apart of but I was ordered to rest.

I just couldn't stop thinking about where he was, what he was doing. I just had this ache in my heart that I needed to tell him everything.

"We're back" Loki spoke joyfully
"That's was fast" I spoke softly
"You know what Thor and I are like. We make a good team" Loki smiled putting his arm around Thor.
"Ah yes. But I must go to Midgard I promised Jane" Thor spoke. "Look after Loki for me" Thor added before whirling his hammer and flying off.

I was glad to know that both of them were okay and Thor was off to check in on Jane. So much had happened and I couldn't believe that I was still here, after everything I had been through. A few years ago I was working for the Avengers, interrogating Loki. I really hoped that one day I could make them understand everything, but for now it's best to part ways. I knew I would see them again just maybe not in the same way it used to be.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" Loki asked me bring me back to reality
"Sure, what's up?" I replied
"So much has happened a long the way and I never thought you'd be here" he spoke softly
"It's been one crazy ride" I spoke nervously
"Are you a variant of myself?" He asked me
"Why? Of course not. Just because I have similar powers doesn't mean I'm like you...does it?" I started to question where this chat was going. It's definitely not what I had in mind.
"Look, I love you" Loki spoke
"Wow" I said shocked as I was caught of guard by his words.
"Did it not come out right?" Loki asked
"Of course it did, I love you too. But after what you said a few weeks back are you sure this is what you want?" I asked him.
"Of course it is, after spending time with you, learning about you I've finally realised that to be my true self I have to accept myself" Loki spoke, his tone softer as he walked closer towards me.

I was pulled in by him, the way he moved, the way he spoke and the way he made me feel. Truth was I did love him and it felt right. But learning about this variant stuff made me worried that things may not be all they seem to be.

"Loki, you are who you are" I paused "you do have good in you" I replied as I walked towards him
"Do you trust me?" He spoke
"Yes, it's taken me a while but I do" I nodded
"I know you have more questions to ask?" Loki replied
"Are you ever going to get out of my mind?" I spoke as a giggle escaped my mouth. I paused for a moment "what is a variant?" I asked
"A variant is an alternate version of you or I" he explained
"How can that be?" I asked
"It's complicated to explain. The only reason I asked you was because of something I saw" he paused
"What did you see?" I asked him as a worried look washed over my face.
"We saw people arrest a women claiming to be a variant, I wanted to ask you just in case" he spoke
"No, I don't believe I am one" I shook my head.

I wanted to know what he saw so I rested my hand on his knee and dived deep into his memories, catching him off guard. After a few seconds I found what I was looking for. The variant was a small child no older then 6 she was scared, worried and upset. I took my hand away from him and came back to reality.

"Loki they took a small child" I hissed
"A child, why would they do that?" He asked
"I don't know but we are going to find out"

I couldn't believe what I had seen. These people were evil. I couldn't just sit here and carry on with my day as I knew she was in trouble and needed help.

"Before we go anywhere I needed to show you something" Loki spoke to me softly
"Sure" I nodded my head
"Close your eyes?" He spoke while pausing for a second "OPEN!" He shouted as a dog came bounding towards me.
"No, you didn't!" I cried

Shadow came bounding towards me, her ears flopped as she ran. I couldn't believe she was actually here with me. The tears slowly started to fall down my face as I cuddled her.

"Loki how did you do this?" I asked him
"That's for me to know and you to find out" he replied mischievously
"You always have a trick up your sleeve don't you?" I spoke rolling my eyes
"Of course I do! I'm The God of Mischief"
"Indeed you are" I spoke while giving shadow a belly rub.
"How are we going to keep her here on this ship?" I asked
"Well for now it will be okay but we will be landing on another planet soon and we can always find a place there" Loki spoke as shadow went over to him.

I could tell that he didn't quite know how to pet a dog. It was kind of hilarious to watch him with her.

"You've looked after horses haven't you?" I asked him
"Then pet her properly" I replied stroking Shadow softly.

Eventually he got the hang of it and I could tell how gentle he was. It made me smile to see him there with her. Loki did have a soft hand and he knew that he did to.

"Loki. What are we going to do about this child?" I asked him
"We will find her, bring her home and return her to her family" he spoke softly

I couldn't believe they ripped a child away from her home and parents. I couldn't even begin to imagine how frightened she must have been. I wanted to save her it's the only thing Loki and I could do. Feelings of hopelessness washed over me as I tried to come to some understanding of the girl. Who was she? Why did they take her? Is she a variant? The questions raced through my mind all night.

The biggest question I had whirling through my mind was "would we be able to save her in time?" That one worried me the most...

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒇 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒇Where stories live. Discover now