A Normal Day

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It was the early hours of the morning and I just got off the phone with my best friend Myles he was such a lovely man and honestly he's been my best friend since we were at primary school. There's not a day that went by where we didn't phone or text each other. People used to think we were dating but we would both just laughed it off. Was he hot? Of course, did I have feelings for him? A little.

"Ugh. I need to clean this house" I muttered to myself. I moved my body of the sofa and started to do the washing up when my phone started ringing.

"Oh shoot really now" I said reaching for the towel over on the kitchen side. I wiped my hands as fast as I could while I raced toward my phone.

"Hello this is Clair speaking" I spoke
"We need you here at the airport tomorrow morning 5pm on the dot" the voice boomed
"May I ask who this is" I replied
"We have someone important that we need you for" he replied

Instantly I knew who it was and I was overcome with anxiety. However because of security reasons we couldn't give out too much information as we didn't  know who could be listening.

"Yes of course I'll be there" I replied. Then hanging up the phone.

My day was finally here, the excitement rushed through me. I didn't even know how I was going to prepare for this mission. But I knew they were all depending on me.

After setting the phone down I turned back to my washing up, which I despised doing and sometimes I wished that I had a dish washer but I guess I didn't want to waste my money on something that would just use up more of my electricity.

A few hours went by and my house finally started looking a little cleaner "thank god that's done" I sighed as there was a knock at the door. "Who could that be?" I asked myself as I walked over to my door.

"Hello" I said opening the door
"It's me. I thought I'd come by and surprise you" Myles said
"Omg Myles!" I was shocked, completely stunned by him.
"I thought you could do with some cheering up" he replied with a big smile on his face.
"That's great but I'm going away in the morning I have a massive mission that I need to do for my boss" I said to him seeing his smile fade from his face.
"Can I come with?" He asked
"I don't know it's kinda top secret"
"Oh it's that kind of a mission" he replied nodding his head

Myles had an idea of what I did as a job but he didn't know the people I work with or what the job involved. But him being here wouldn't be so bad as I could do with someone watching the house and looking after my German Shepard Shadow who was still asleep in her bed.

"Actually I have an idea. You can stay here till I'm back" I offered "I need someone to look after Shadow and the house" I added
"Yes of course" he replied "are you going to invite me in? Or am I just staying outside" He asked as he was still standing in the door way.
"Shit, I'm so sorry yes of course come in" I spoke while letting him through the door.

Myles was such a wonderful person but there was apart of me that wanted more. Once we were in the house I wrapped my arms around him and embraced him.

"Are you okay?" He asked
"Yes of course, I'm just happy and excited that you are here. It's been years since I've seen you" I replied.

Shadow woke up and she came trotting over to us wagging her tail and sniffing around. I gave her a big fuss meanwhile Myles got on the floor waiting for her to come over to him. This was the life I longed for, I did love him but I can't let my feelings get in the way right now. I had to stay focused and I'd sort it when I was back.

"Did you want a take away, Clair"
"Did I want a take away? Do I even have to answer that" I laughed

Once we decided what we were having Myles ordered it. An hour after we ordered our food was delivered. I was absolutely starving and I had to be up in a few hours. I was going to miss being here.

"I still haven't packed my bags" I cried putting my hands through my hair
"Don't worry we will sort them, just eat your food first" Myles calming said

He always had the best advice and he really did help. After dinner we got my two suitcases out from under my bed and we started packing some of my clothes. This was going to be a long few hours as I had to try and fit months of clothes into two suite cases.

Three hours went by and we finally got the two suites cases packed and ready to go.

"Thank you Myles, that's been such a big help" I smiled at him
"That's no problem" he smiled back at me
"Shoot I need to try and get some sleep" I said shocked as I looked over at my alarm clock.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒇 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒇Where stories live. Discover now