In My Head

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After my shower I tired to shake off the feeling that he was still in my head. How was I supposed to get thought this interrogation. I sat on my bed feeling hopeless and that's when my phone started buzzing.

"Hey how's it going?" Myles said, hearing his voice made me feel calm and relaxed
"It's okay, I'm just a little tired" I yawned
"I'm sure you're doing a great job no matter what I'm proud of you" He reassured me,  I heard a bark in the background, I knew it was Shadow
"I bet she's missing me"
"Of course she is Clair" he laughed "anyway I need to go and get some dog food so I'll call or text you later" he added
"Yeah sure, remember she is on a raw diet no dry food" I told him
"I know don't worry" he laughed again
"Okay bye Myles talk soon" I replied
"Sure, bye Clair" he said before hanging up the phone

I couldn't shake the feeling off me it was as if  he was standing behind me. I couldn't let anything get in my way, I can't mess this up. I closed my eyes and let my power slowly shut him out. After a few minutes I managed to get him out my mind. It had been years since I had to use any of my powers but now I realised that I may actually need them.

"Miss are you ready?" A guard asked
"Yes" I said assertively opening the doors.

I walked down the hallway as the guards followed behind me. I felt confident in each step I took. I turned the corner and I waited in the room ready for Loki to come in. I pulled out a chair and sat patiently waiting, looking through my notes of yesterday's interrogation.

A few minutes passed and Loki was lead in by guards. This was it. It was now or never I was going to find out everything I needed to know about him. Or that's how I thought it was going to go.

"Loki did you want to take a seat?" I gestured with my hand to the seat at the end of the table
"Of course"
"So where did we get to...ah. So you wanted revenge for what your brother did to you. Because you feel like he betrayed you in some way?"
"Yes. Thor and fatter did" he snarled
"That's why you killed your father?" I asked
"Is there a point to all these questions? Because all I have to do is concentrate and I'm inside your head" he snarled leaning in closer.

His voice sent chills through my body I couldn't lose my control as much as I wanted to I just couldn't. I had to try and remain professional.

"Please focus Loki, the point is I'm trying to understand you"
"You want to understand me" he laughed "is that a joke?"

I rolled my eyes and I just knew he wasn't going to understand what I was saying until I showed him. But I needed to make sure I told Nick and the others what I was going to do.

"Right, let's take a little break" I said before getting out my seat and walking out the door. Natasha was waiting outside the room.

"You alright kiddo?" She asked
"Yeah but I need to gain his trust, I need to show him my powers, I'm like him. It's the only way I think he will trust me" I spoke
"Okay I'll let the others know" she nodded

I took a few deep breaths and then I went back in. Now that everyone was on my page it was time to show Loki that we were the same and hopefully I'd have his trust. I walked in the room and went back over to my seat.

"I'm back" I spoke
"Good, can we get on with this please"
"Of course but I need to show you something first" I said as I approached him holding out my hand.
"What are you doing?" Loki asked confused
"Just take my hand and I'll show you"

Once he held my hand I closed my eyes and tried my best to concentrate to get into his head. I was in for a second and he threw me out.

"You think you can just try to get into my head. You have a lot to learn. I knew we were the same from the moment I met you" he hissed standing up. He towered over me. His eyes staring deep into mine. I could feel him in my mind.
"Loki you have no idea how deep my power runs don't push me!" I spoke through gritted teeth.

I heard the guards come running in so I used all my energy to push them out. I needed to protect them I didn't care about me. Before I knew it, Loki had thrown me across the room, I hit my head so hard that I felt myself black out a little.

"Loki I knew we were the same too, don't you see it yet" I said breathing heavily while laying on the floor holding my head.
"What do you mean?" He asked
"We were meant to meet" I said hoping to throw him off guard a little.

Loki looked at me a little confused and then sat back down in his chair. I slowly got up off the floor then sat back in my chair. That's not quite how I wanted it to go but I got through to him eventually.

"I'm sorry" Loki replied looking down at the table
"It's okay, I'll be alright" I replied getting back into my seat.

Things started to slowly come together and I was just hoping that I made him see that we are the same and that he can be good. I just had to keep pushing myself.

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