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I had no idea what was going on with me or how I could control my power. I never thought my powers could ever be this strong. Loki seemed to have control over his, as did Thor how was I going to control mine. I knew it would be a matter of days before I could fully control them.

"Thor what are you planning here" I overheard Loki.
"Look brother we need to help her, so we give her a weapon to help her control her powers just like I have my hammer" Thor smirked
"No this isn't the same as that Thor, her powers are controlled from within her" I heard Loki say
"Well why can't you help her then considering you share the same skill set?" Thor asked

Thor was right, Loki and I did share the same skill set and magical traits. The only person that could teach me control was Loki. All of a sudden I started feeling sick,  I hoped it was just nerves or my anxiety. Is it possible for my body to reject the powers? Is it because my body is too weak? So many questions were running through my head.

The doors opened and in ran Loki and Thor I could feel myself blacking out and then coming back round. It was as if they were playing up for some reason. My body felt too weak and my powers were to strong.

"Loki" I whispered "what's happening to me?"
"I don't know, but I promise I will sort it" Loki replied while picking me up. "For now you will need to stay in the cell so you are safe" Loki hesitantly spoke.
"A cell! Are you crazy?" I hissed
"Please listen to me if you don't then you are a danger to you and everyone around you" Loki spoke softly
"Fine" I hissed.

I really hoped Thor and Loki could make this pain stop and that I would soon be able to be back to myself. I just didn't understand why my powers were getting this strong.

Loki picked me up and took me down to the Asgardian cells and placed me in his old one. Everything looked different the palace wasn't broken anymore, there were no fires or damage in sight.

"Why is everything different?" I asked Loki
"When we traveled here last time we were going through different timelines" Loki answered
"Different what now" I replied
"Listen to me, don't worry about that but you need to get some rest. Your body is too weak and your powers could kill you" Loki replied as he kneeled down next to the bed.
"Stay here with me" I spoke as I grabbed hold of his arm.

Loki slowly got up and placed my hand across my stomach. He took one last look at me before walking away.

The cells gate began to close, I looked around and I was the only one here. Loki made me feel calm and he eased the pain. While he wasn't around and I was locked up in here I could feel my powers slowly break me. Hours and hours went by and I couldn't control it anymore. I got up off the small bed, as I stood up I started clenching my fists, as a blast of energy shook the room, things flew to each corner of the cell I looked around, I was shocked as to what I had just done. To cover what I had broken I casted an illusion so if anyone was to come in they would still see me how Loki placed me.

While the illusion took place I screamed and flipped over a small table that was somehow still standing. I looked down at my hands, a green glow appeared. I turned my back to the wall and slowly lowered myself to the ground. I screamed and cried as I tried to fight it. Eventually everything went silent looking down at myself I could see what I had done. I hadn't seen that part of myself till now and it scared me.

The two doors outside the cell had opened and that's when I saw Loki, dressed in his Asgardian armour. I couldn't show him what I had done, the mess I had become. I looked over at a small silver plate which reviled my red face I didn't want Loki to see me like this.

"You can't fool me" Loki spoke his voice soft and calm

I closed my eyes as the illusion started to fade. It revealed a broken girl who wanted to take control of her powers. I saw Loki's expression change from a smile to a worried look. I don't think he was expecting what I had done. Loki opened up the cell and quickly ran in.

"What happened?" He asked
"Honestly Loki my powers are too strong, I had to let it out" I replied trying to hold back the tears.

Loki sat down next to me and pulled me towards him. He put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up, our eyes locked as he started to lean in. Closing our eyes I could feel our bodies get closer to each other. His hand ran through my thick brown hair as our lips locked. He picked me up and sat me on his lap, this feeling rushed through my whole body, sending chills up and down my spine. We broke apart for a few seconds and that's when we locked eye contact. We both smiled before embracing each other.

"Yes" he whispered
"Please don't leave me"
"I will never leave you" he whispered

I slowly got of his lap and stood up before helping Loki get to his feet. I had never felt this type of connection with someone before. As we left the cell I could hear a load of panic from outside the palace.

"What's going on?" I asked Loki
"I have no idea" he replied taking my hand

There was something odd about Loki the way he acted. I've never known of anyone who could get close to the God of Mischief apart from me. What we just happened was so unlike him. What was I doing?

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒇 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒇Where stories live. Discover now