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Things seemed so odd right now,  here I was trying to save both our lives and for what. What was I fighting for?

I learnt so much from Loki and how to harness my powers. However in the back of my mind I really did think that this was all an illusion, a way to trick me so I would be vulnerable.

As we climbed the stairs out of the prison, Loki and I could hear screaming, crying and people in pure panic as their home were being destroyed. First we had the dark elves which destroyed the palace, now we have someone else trying to do the same thing.

"Who is that?" I asked Loki pointing to a woman. Her hair was black as coal, her eyes emerald green, her armour almost matched Loki's
"That's our sister, Hela" he replied before grabbing me by the arm
"You know you can't escape" she growled
"Loki what are you doing? Aren't we going to fight for your home?" I asked him as we both ran
"Listen to me. The longer she is on Asgard the stronger she gets. We have to leave" he spoke as his eyes pleaded we go.

I couldn't help myself but think all of this was a trick. Leading me to different places and messed up timelines. I really hoped I would get some answers from him....right now I felt like I was in a doctor who series, going here, teleporting there. I couldn't keep up with it.

"Doctor what?" Loki asked confused
"Ugh. It's a tv program" I replied, silence filled the air as Loki looked at me confused "You wouldn't get it" I added shaking my head "and the last time Loki stop with your tricks" I hissed

Loki held up both his hands as a surrender, then slightly bowed his head. Its about time he gave up looking through my thoughts. Eventually we came across a ship that kinda looked a little bit like a boat.

"Do you know how to fly one of these?" I asked Loki scratching my head as I looked around the ship.
"Of course" he spoke confidently

I sat back and let him carry on I assumed he knew where he was going, after all, this was his home.

"Aren't you worried what Hela might do to Asgard Loki?" I asked him
"Of course not, my father is dead, my mother is dead and Thor always finds a way to defeat someone" he replied back to me

I looked back at Asgard once a beautiful place but now blazing with fire and smoke. I knew Loki wanted to protect his home and fight with his brother.

"Uh, Loki we have a problem"
"We're almost there" he spoke

An awfully large wolf came bounding behind us as Loki was trying to position the ship right. I held onto the ship for dear life as we approached a small hole in the mountains. Just as the wolf almost had us between its jaws we vanished through the mountain.

"That was close" I huffed as I sat down "where are we now?" I asked him as I looked around
"This is Midgard" he replied
"You mean earth?" I spoke sarcastically

Loki turned around and rolled his eyes at me before magically changing his clothes. He looked at me and smiled as if to say that I couldn't do it. I smiled back at him as I took a deep breath, a green glow shined across my body as my clothes change to something a little more normal.

"You look way better then when you did in your cell" he spoke slyly.

That's one thing Loki loved to do and that was throw insults. Why wouldn't he do that? It just screams Loki all over.

"I'll take that as a compliment" I replied as I tried to catch up with him.

After travelling for many months it felt good to be back on my own planet. I could actually understand what people were saying for once without Loki having to be my translator. We  walked the streets while the smell of freshly baked doughnuts filled the air. I missed being home, it just made me hurt to know that I couldn't see Myles as I'd put him in danger.

There was a small restaurant across the road that wasn't too busy. It was old and family run Myles and I had so many good moments in there. From dates to live music shows.

"Did you want some food?" I asked Loki
"Midgard food?" He spoke sounding repulsed by what I had just asked.

I looked back at the restaurant and through the window I could see a familiar face sitting at one of the tables. It was Myles,  as I looked harder I saw he was sitting with a girl. It crushed me, I knew from that moment his feelings for me were gone. For once in my life I knew what pain felt like. Maybe things are better this way. That way I don't hurt those I love. I couldn't help but keep looking at them laughing, drinking and enjoying each other's company, it broke my heart.

"Everything alright?" Loki spoke
"Yeah" I replied breaking my gaze away from them.

As we started walking away from the restaurant Loki could tell that there was something wrong with me, but he didn't question it. I was surprised that he didn't as he always had something to say, but this time he just let me be sad.

I looked up at Loki to see that he almost had a slight grin on his face. Which made me question what I had just saw through the window.

"You and your games!" I hissed at him as I stormed off
"What do you mean?" Loki replied confused catching up with me
"You know exactly what I mean Loki. I'll never be able to trust you. Messing me around with your illusions" I snapped

Loki walked in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders. I could see that he was upset by what I just said. But does he really expect me to trust him now.

"I swear I didn't do anything" He softly spoke
"Then why were you grinning just now?" I asked
"I..." he spoke trying to find an answer
"I knew it!" I hissed before pushing his hands off me.

I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm tightly before I could even get past him. What was his plan?

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒇 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒇Where stories live. Discover now