Tricks and Mind Games

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Loki and I were sitting in the dome at the end of the bridge on Asgard. I couldn't help but let my mind wonder about the stones and why Loki wanted them. Being half human was difficult because I didn't understand things the same way as The Avengers or Loki did. I knew I'd have to play my cards right if I wanted to find out more.

I looked over at Loki and I could see that he was worried about something. His body language was different, a lot of looking down at his feet and his breathing was a bit faster. I studied him for a while, observing what he was doing. My only other thought was that he's mind was somewhere else.

"Loki" I replied as I walked over to him. I got no answer from him which meant my second thought was right. His mind was somewhere else but his body was here. I went to touch his hand and that's when his head shot up.

"Omg" I screamed as I jumped back "you scared the hell out of me" I huffed as I put my hand to my chest.
"What?" He said dazed
"I was checking to see if you were alive" I replied back to him.
"I'm fine" he said walking past me.
"If you were fine you wouldn't be acting like this" I replied hesitantly
"I can't tell you! If I did we would both be dead" he snapped

I rolled my eyes in disbelief as we had been travelling for so many months and our friendship (that's if you could even call this a friendship) had been all over the place. I wanted to trust him and I could tell in his eyes that he wanted me to know.

"Loki, you're an ass" I hissed at him as I walked away
"Do you have any idea how hard this is?" He mentioned "don't think for one second that I don't have your back" he added

I stopped dead in my tracks as he spoke those words. "You have my back? Are you hearing yourself right now" I paused "Loki we have been travelling for months. Yet you don't tell me plans, you don't tell me anything" I hissed at him
"Because you don't trust me" Loki replied walking towards me.

He seemed worried and I could tell that something was playing on his mind. I hated to see anyone look down or sad and it really made me question what he had seen. I had no other choice then to use my powers.

"Give me your hand!" I said holding my hand out.

Within seconds Loki gave me his hand and I knew he wanted me to know something. I closed my eyes and cleared my mind as I tried my best to get inside. I was surprised that Loki let me in.

The place I was in was dark and cold, the place had a blue tint to it. Towards the end was a large man sitting on a stone chair or throne I couldn't quite make it out. That's when I realised who it was. Loki was talking to Thanos my eyes shot open and I took a few steps back from him.

"What are you doing with Thanos?" I questioned
"It's not what you think" he spoke softly
"You expect me to believe that" I snapped "so that stone thing is for him?" I added
"Yes, but I can still make this right" Loki replied walking over to me
"How? you want me to trust you and yet you give me loads of reasons not too" I spat "no wonder Thor is the way he is with you" I muttered

I looked over at Loki to see anger in his eyes. I didn't want him to hear what I said but I knew he did. How could I let him do this to me? I didn't want this life anymore I just wanted to go home. I knew that Natasha, Tony and Steve were all looking for me, I bet they were worried sick.

"Did you really just say that?" Loki growled slowly walking towards towards me "After everything I have done. I taught you, I tried to protect you" he spoke through gritted teeth as he got closer to me.

Before I knew it Loki grabbed me and pushed me up against the dome wall. I could feel his hot breath against my neck. Shock and fear rushed through my veins. My breathing was erratic and I could tell that Loki was more then just angry with me. He came a little closer to me before shaking his head. He released his hand and stepped back.

"I'm sorry" he softly spoke "I'm just trying to protect you"
"It's okay" I replied trying to gather my thoughts. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder before I passed him.
"We're you not scared?" He asked his tone was darker then usual.

I stopped dead in my tracks as the question ran through my head.

"Yes, but I that you won't hurt me because you can't let yourself hurt me" I spoke confidently. Loki didn't say a word as he knew I was right.

I had never seen Loki this way before usually he is quite fast and usually witty with his words and the way he spoke. If he wanted to he would have killed me right there and then, but he didn't. He never once let his guard down or even showed when he was weak. I didn't know wether he was a good actor or if these were true feelings. Hopefully I would be able to trust him but he needed to prove that to me I can trust him and only then will I start letting him in.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒇 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒇Where stories live. Discover now