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Once again the morning came and I was starting to miss my home just a little more then I did before. After last night with Loki I feel like my brain has been torn in two. I mean I guess that's how Loki wanted me to feel.

"Miss, SHIELD want to talk with you?" A guard boomed through the door.

I had a horrible feeling that I knew what this was going to be about. I was in trouble with some of the most powerful people. I felt like I had let them all down including myself.

I nodded as I gathered my things and off I went following the guards that lead me down to the long hallways.

"Just to your right and through there" they directed me to a small room. I took a deep breath and walked thought the blacked doors.

I could feel my heart in my head, pounding as I took each step towards the headquarters. Two guards were standing either side of the doors. I showed them my ID card and they let me through.

"What the hell happened last night kiddo?" Tony said approaching me
"Loki escaped. Natasha was with me" I replied
"No I wasn't" Natasha spoke up crossing her arms.
"I swear you were right next to me" I replied, I thought my heart was going to beat out my chest.
"Did you want to watch the camera footage?" Bruce asked me
"Yes, please" I spoke rubbing my forehead.

As they replayed the footage they showed, me getting up in the middle of night and walking down the hallway on my own. Natasha wasn't with me. When I turned my attention back to the screen Loki was still in his cell. I felt like I had just played into his hands and it was if I could hear Loki laughing at me. Why wouldn't he use his tricks and illusions to his ability?

Loki and I were the same but he was a god, he  had been using his powers for years. I on the other hand wasn't a god I was half human and got my powers from my father. I hadn't been practicing long enough for them to be as powerful as Loki's.

"You went up to his cell" Natasha questioned me.
"I don't know why? I remember Natasha was with me on minute then she was gone. But I don't remember anything else" I replied
"You had a conversation with him for at least five or ten minutes" Tony replied

I felt like I was being interrogated by highly trained FBI agents. My heart was pounding, my breathing was faster and my brain felt like it was all tied in knots.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked walking over to me. I just nodded and hoped they'd let me go. This pressure was too much, I felt the room getting smaller, everyone else in the room started to tower over me. I felt like an ant.

"Loki is in her head. Her powers aren't strong enough to block him out. She needs more time. She needs rest" a strange deep voice said from behind.
"Thor what are you doing here?" Natasha spoke confused
"Clair needs my help and she needs to understand my brother better" he boomed

I tried my best to regain my breathing before I even spoke a word. I didn't even think Thor would be showing up to this meeting. Maybe I would be able to learn something else about Loki that he wasn't telling me.

"Be careful with her Thor Loki's somewhere in her head" Steve replied to Thor
"Yes thank you, I think I know how to handle my own brother" he replied smiling before turning to me.

My mind was racing with thoughts of how I could get Loki out my head. There was only one option that I could take. That was to go and talk to Loki himself. How else would I be able to settle this? The sooner I get him out the sooner I can keep him out, hopefully Thor can help me out with this one.

I walked with Thor down to the room where I used to interview Loki. We both took our seats.

"So you want to know more about Loki?" Thor asked leaning back in his chair
"Yes, I need to get into his head. We kind of share the same powers"
"Loki and I go back years, my father Odin took him in when we were small children. Growing up was hard for him but he wasn't my father's biological son. He was found abandoned in Jotunhime"
"Jotunhime?" I questioned
"He was a frost giant...to put it in human terms there was a battle on Jotunhime. Thats when my father found him. Lost, cold and alone" Thor replied

I took out my note book and began making notes on everything Thor told me. I knew that something would help me get to the bottom of this.

"Is that why your father wouldn't let him be king?" I asked. Silence filled the air.
"Yes I guess" Thor replied.
"It makes sense. He loves you but at the same time he envy's you and envy is the worst sin to have" I replied to him
"I guess you've right" Thor spoke

After a few hours went by I felt like I was ready to interview Loki. I had my notes prepared ready to question him. Hopefully this would give me some ammo to help get him out my head. But deep down inside I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I went back to my room to get ready and eat some food as I was starving.

Eventually the time came to interview Loki again. I was worried and a little more anxious about how the interview could go. But either way I had to keep trying. "Send him in" I shouted out to the guards.

The doors opened and in walked Loki, he had a chilling smirk on his face as he walked closer towards the table.

"Well well, we meet again" Loki smirked
"Please take a seat" I asked him "so looking back at my notes we started talking about your father and Thor" I added
"Really Thor? Again?" Loki snarled
"He came to talk to me today he seemed like the best person to go to" I replied "So let's start with your childhood" I paused examining him
"I was abandoned as a child that's when Odin found me. He's not my father. He could never have a frost giant sitting on the throne of Asgard" he said lowering his head.
"What about your mother, Frigga?" I spoke he slightly picked his head up.
"She always tried to keep the peace even once I learned about my true past and who I was" Loki spoke his tone turned a little softer.

This was going to be harder then I thought but I had to keep trying especially if I wanted to find out more about him.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒇 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒇Where stories live. Discover now