chapter eight: "okay"

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We had procrastinated our homework more than we had all planned. First Cameron convinced us his stomach "needed to settle after his big breakfast" so we pushed it until after lunch. And then the boys somehow forgot they had film from last nights game at 1:30 so they all had to leave for about an hour while we stayed at their house.

Which puts us just now finishing all of our homework and it was already 7. We had ordered Chinese takeout for dinner and were all finishing the last of our homework for the day.

"ugh, homework kills my brain cells" Bella complained

"sorry B, but I think it actually does the opposite" Chloe laughed

"You know what I mean, my brain needs a break" she said rubbing her temples

"We've taken enough breaks today, once everyone's done then we'll do something fun" Chloe compromised.

We all closed our computers about 10 minutes later and decided to watch a movie.

Once the movie was done, Seth offered to drive all of us back to our dorms since it was getting pretty late and we all had class tomorrow. Once we all got our things together and were getting ready to walk out of the door, Noah grabbed my hand to hold me back.

"Go on a drive with me, I'll take you back after"

"okay, where are we going?" I asked

"you'll see" he winked and went to grab his keys.

"Hey guys, Noah's gonna drive me back in a bit. I'll see you later"

Nat narrowed her eyes at me and gave me a look that said something along the lines of "don't get into too much trouble" and they all said their goodbyes and left.

When Noah came back down with his keys in hand, he grabbed my bag for me and we went out to his jeep. He put my bag into the back and reversed out of the drive way, driving the opposite way of campus.

We listened to music and enjoyed the cool air of the night as we drove in comfortable silence. After about 10 minutes he turned onto a dirt path off of the road.

"um if you're going to kill me and bury me in the woods I guess this would be a good place" I looked at him with a confused smile.

"Nah I would go further away from campus, they'd find you too fast here" he said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I watch him drive further from the main road. A minute later we pulled into a small make-shift parking lot next to a small lake, or large pond depending on how you view it. It was breathtaking, especially with the moon light creating a reflection on the water.

"wow" I let out a breath, "this is beautiful. I've lived here my entire life and I never knew this was here"

"it's technically private property so there's really no way you'd ever know it was here"

"God, Noah are we trespassing right now?" I looked around worried.

"no, no. I know the woman that owns the property. She's friends with my father, she lets me skate here when it freezes in the winter. But even when it's warm outside, it's just a good place to think." He said looking out at the water.

He led me over to a small bench on the edge of the pond and I leaned into his side as we watched the wind create ripples on the waters surface.

"You have a lot of secret places Noah Hale" I looked up at him with a small smile.

"I like to be alone a lot, so I try to find unknown places to go" he smiled, "plus taking girls to places they think I haven't taken anyone else is a great way to get them into bed" this time he looked at me with a grin and started laughing.

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