Chapter eleven: "no, coach, she isn't"

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Waking up to my alarm, I see the clock says 8am. I toss a pillow at Nat and she groans and turns over to glare at me.

"It's time to get up sleepy head, we've got a 4-hour drive ahead of us today" I grinned sarcastically.

I walked over to the bathroom door that leads to Chloe and Bella's room and knock loudly. Bella opens the door and I get another glare similar to Nat's.

"C'mon it's time to start packing and getting ready"

She groans and nods as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.

Once we're all packed it's around 10am and we wanted to leave by 11. Seth is letting us use his truck since none of us have our cars here on campus. Chloe has driven it before luckily so we should be ok.

We walked to the boys' house and Chloe grabbed the truck keys from the lockbox on the front porch. It's only around 10:30 which means we have time to stop for coffee and breakfast.

Pulling into the hotel parking lot around 4, we immediately recognize the team busses sitting in front of the hotel.

"Hi, we're here to check-in, it's under Nelson, Scarlett. We're with the Clarkson Hockey Team so if there's any way we could be close to their group I'd really appreciate it" I smile warmly at the front desk lady.

"Yeah, of course. You'll be in rooms 633 and 634, they're all on that floor." She says nicely.

We take our bags up the elevator and walk down the long hallway until we find our rooms. They're right across the hall from each other since this hotel does evens on one side and odds on the other. Chloe and I took 634 while Nat and Bella are in 633. As we're walking to our rooms I see my mom and dad unlocking a door on the opposite end of the hallway.

"I'm gonna go say hi to my parents, but I call the bed by the window" I joke to Chloe.

Walking the hallway, which was extensive due to the size of the hotel, I finally meet my parents at their door. They are in room 601. There are only a select few rooms on this side of the elevator and I'm assuming the other couple of rooms are taken up by other coaches, trainers, bus drivers, etc. Basically, all the adults are down here away from the crazy college boys, by design I'm sure.

"Hey Scarlett, I didn't know you were coming this weekend" My dad says suspiciously.

"Well Chloe's boyfriend is on the team and then I've always come to your games with mom when they weren't too far. We just decided to get a couple rooms for tonight."

"Alright well, I'm glad you're here. But remember the rules, this is a big game. I don't need my players being distracted"

"Yeah dad. I got it." I sigh and hug my mom before turning back around to go to my room.

The game is at 8, which was a little late for a hockey game, but at least it gave us a few hours to shower and get ready. The boys got here last night and already had a short practice this morning. Nothing too intense but enough to loosen them up for tonight.

We all shower, do some light makeup, and finish getting dressed around 6:45. The rink is a short 15 minute drive so leaving now is the perfect time to get good seats and something to eat from the concessions.

I've stopped myself all day from texting Noah, even though it was really hard not to. I didn't want to be that clingy girl that texted him on game days when he should be focusing. I sent him a short, good luck text a bit ago and he responded with a "Thank you♥︎" which I decided not to respond to. Not clingy remember?

We get to the rink and luckily get good seats in the opposing student section. Not many people are going to make the 4-hour drive here but there's a good turnout, nonetheless.

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