chapter fourteen: "not coach and captain"

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Sunday Morning

Ugh I am never drinking again.

I sit up and try to gather my surroundings. I recognize Noah's room and look down to see myself in Noah's shirt. Alright, Brightside: not passed out in a frat house.

"Morning, beautiful, how ya feeling?" Noah enters the room with water and a bottle of Advil.

I groan in response and graciously take the pills, "thank you."

"Of course, do you want to just stay in today? We can lay in bed until your hangover has passed."

"As amazing as that sounds, I have family dinner with my parents tonight" I look up at him sweetly, "and they kind of want you to come."

His eyes widen, "dinner? With your parents, A.K.A my coach and his wife?"

"I made dad promise that he is strictly my father not Clarkson's coach if you come" I reassure him.

"That might be worse, I mean as a coach the worst he can do is bench me. But as your dad, he can like murder me"

I chuckle slightly, "is The Noah Hale afraid of dinner with his girlfriend's parents?"

He tries to confidently scoff at my accusation, "what? Me Scared? No. No way" he waves me off.

"Mhm, okay"

"So what time is this family dinner?"

"I usually try to get there around 4:30 so that I can help my mom cook. So we'll need to leave here at like 4:15"

He nods, "so we have a couple hours"

"A couple? What time is it?" I try looking for my phone, having no luck.

"It's like noon, maybe 12:30"

I look at him shocked, "12:30! How did I sleep so late?"

"We didn't get home until 6am, Scar, 12:30 isn't too late. I just woke up like thirty minutes ago."

"Do you know where my phone is?"

He laughs, "yeah you left it at Chi Pi last night, Brandon texted me and said he found it, we'll go get it"

I groan and try to remember as much as possible from last night.

I remember most of the big events but some of the small details are foggy. Luckily we got through a night of parties without any of the boys getting into fights. Seth was DD last night and managed to get everyone back here without losing anyone, even Cameron, who is known for wandering.

A few hours later

"Noah can we go back to my dorm so I can change now?" I yell from the bathroom.

A shower helped take care of the remaining hangover. I took a few more Advil and the headache subdued.

"Don't you have clothes here?" he says as I step out, drying my hair with a towel after my shower.

"All I have here are sweats in case I shower here, I don't have clothes clothes."

Last week, Noah told me to just bring a few pairs of sweatpants and sweatshirts for after showers or lounging in since I stay here at least 2-3 times a week.

"I don't get why you don't bring actual clothes here then" he shrugs.

"Because I don't live here Noah. I do have a dorm room and roommates that I have to spend time with too" I laugh, "as much as you want me to spend every day here, it's just too early for that kind of jump"

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