chapter seven: "what happens now"

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I was jolted awake as I heard pounding on the door and a voice shouting Noah's name.

"Hale! Yo wake up dude! Alright, I warned you, I'm coming in!" I recognized Seth's voice through the door.

Half asleep, I tried to sit up but was trapped under Noah's arm that was draped against my chest. We had somehow shifted during the night to where I was on my back and Noah was on his side with his large arm conveniently trapping me under him.

I heard the door open, "hey man- oh shit"

Noah finally woke up to Seth's voice and looked at me with sleepy eyes, not yet realizing Seth was standing 5 feet away.

"good morning" he smiled

I smiled back and motioned behind him where Seth was awkwardly waiting.

"Shit, what do you want Whitlock" he said startled when he finally turned around.

"It's like 9 am, can we go get my truck? Morning Scarlett"

I groaned back a morning and felt him get up from bed. Seth left the room to go get dressed and I turned around to face Noah. He stretched and his gray sweatpants fell slightly as his back muscles flexed. Damn.

I watched as he maneuvered around the room trying to find something to wear. He turned around to my direction and clearly caught me staring.

"I think you might have some drool there Scar" he said with a smirk and pointed to his mouth.

I blushed and threw a pillow at him, which he easily caught, "Oh you wish Hale"

"Yes, yes I do"

Confused, I didn't give a response but neither of us broke eye contact.

Once he was dressed he came and sat on the edge of the bed, "are you busy today" he asked.

I shook my head no, because I don't think I have any plans today, other than some homework maybe.

"Good, then I expect you to be here when I get back, no more sneaking out on me"

"Alright, I'll be here" I agreed with a nod.

After Noah left, I got up and tried to find some actual clothes to wear today. Not finding much luck, I put my jean shorts from last night on and stole another one of his t-shirts. I tied it in a knot, and it didn't look too big. I combed my fingers through my hair and luckily found extra toothbrushes in one of his bathroom drawers. Hopefully he doesn't mind, but it was his idea for me to stay so oh well.

I decided that I would try to go make breakfast since I knew everyone would be hungry. I went downstairs and found it empty, everyone must still be asleep. I found eggs, milk, and bacon in the fridge and found pancake mix in the pantry. For a house of boys, they have surprisingly a lot of groceries.

I was mixing the batter when Seth and Noah came, loudly, through the front door. They were laughing about whatever they were talking about and came into the kitchen.

"Damn she's making breakfast? Can we keep her Noah pleaseeeee" Seth said as he hugged me like a child.

"maybe" he said jokingly but he also had a weird look in his eyes.

Seth told us he was going to go wake the girls up and they'd be down in a few minutes.

Noah took a seat at the island, directly across from me and stared at me intensely.

"why are you staring" I asked

"I'm just watching, I've never had a girl make me breakfast before"

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