chapter twelve: "never have i ever"

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I'm trying to focus on the game as much as possible. But its damn near impossible when all I can think about is the look on my dad's face when Noah outed us.

When it first resonated that the secret was out, I was mad at Noah for telling my dad before talking to me. Eventually, I calmed down and told myself that he didn't do it on purpose; he just didn't want to lie.

In the long run, lying would probably get us into deeper shit. I just thought that we were going to wait a while until we truly knew what was going on before telling everyone. We weren't even dating yet, and now my dad knows! What happens if we decide we aren't good as a couple, or he can't commit to a relationship. Then my dad and all of this drama is for nothing.

Deep down, I think I know whatever is going on between us is more serious than either of us are admitting. It's been a month and we're already to the point where if we don't see each other for a few days, we go a little crazy. Even this past week, Noah had convinced me to stay the night on Thursday again even though I had slept there on Wednesday too. So even though nothing's official, it is serious. And that's enough to make me stand up to my dad.

A buzzer signaling the end of the game brings me out of my thoughts. And I look to the score board for the first time all second half; we won. Phew. I know that my dad was still pissed but at least he didn't have a loss and us on his mind. The girls and I walk to the area outside of the locker rooms like usual and I quickly find my mom.

"Hey, I have to go do something, but I'll be back soon" I say to the girls before going to my mom.

"Hi mom"

I can see the disappointment on her face, "Hi Scarlett"

Ouch. She never uses my real name.

"I owe you an apology. When you asked about Noah and me, I lied. We're still figuring things out and I wanted to have more time before telling you, and especially dad. But I know lying hurt you" I'm avoiding her eye contact by staring at the ground when her hand reaches up to touch my cheek.

I lift my head to see her smiling, "honey, I knew you were lying. And yes, it hurt a little bit. But I also get it. Does he make you happy?"

I let a small smile make its way onto my face, "he really does mom. He makes me laugh and he's really helped bring me out of my shell. It's also safe with him. I don't know if that makes sense but say if we're at a party or something, he'd rather watch from afar and make sure I'm ok than go off on his own with his friends. I don't know mom, it's just different with him. It's not super serious yet but-"

"But you like him" she shrugs.

"Yeah, I do."

"I will try my best to calm your dad on the drive to the hotel, but I can't make any promises. If you care about this boy, stand up to your father. He'll see how important it is to you." She says as she kisses the top of my head.

The coaches and boys walk out of the locker room. Our group makes their way over to us, but when they get about five feet in front of us, my dad's voice yells from the side door.

"All players on the bus back to the hotel, NOW"

Noah sighs and rolls his eyes before turning towards the doors with the rest of the team.

The 4 of us walk out to the truck and follow behind the bus back to the hotel. Once we are all parked, I can see my dad waiting at the hotel door. No doubt waiting for me and Noah. I'm walking past the bus as Noah comes out and we both hear my dad clear his throat from the door.

"You two can follow me" he turns to go inside.

My dad goes up to the front desk and the clerk looks a little confused before hesitantly nodding his head and handing my dad a key.

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