chapter twenty: "taking a break"

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Saturday November 6th

One minute left. There's 1 minute left in the third period of the game and we are tied.

The four of us are huddled on the couch of the boys' house, plus Elijah's girlfriend, Callie, and Bella's 'friend,' Macie.

We all hold our breath as the puck is dropped and the whistle is blown. Noah slaps the puck to Andrew who passes it to Elijah right before getting slammed into the wall. Elijah has a man barreling towards him but luckily passes it to Noah in time. Noah skates the last few feet and hits it as hard as he can towards the goal.

We hear the bell, signaling the end of the game, but not before we see the lights of the goal light up, meaning the puck went in.

We all jump up and scream as we watch the rest of the team skate onto the ice and tackle their teammates.

"Oh my gosh!! That was the most suspenseful game yet!" Nat screams.

"Jesus, Nat, we're all right here we can hear you" Bella laughs.

"Sorry, I'm excited!"

We all laugh and celebrate with a shot.

Since the boys are out of town and won't be back until tomorrow, the six of us are going out to the frats tonight. We've all done our hair and makeup and started pregaming, we just need to get dressed and then we can go.

I'm picking out an outfit from my bag when I get an incoming facetime call from Noah.

"Hi gorgeous" he says as I answer.

"There he is, Mr. game winning shot, we all watched the game, you guys were great."

"Thanks, I wish you were here- Scarlett, are you naked right now?"

I see his eyes notice my bare shoulders, "yes, I'm trying to pick an outfit."

"Since I won, can I get a peak?"

"A peak of what you see like every day?"

"It's not every day." Pretty much.

"Mhm, the answer is still no. You'll have to wait until tomorrow." I tease.

He fake pouts, like a child might I add, and sits down on his hotel bed. "So what are you guys doing tonight?"

"We're going to the frats remember?" We literally talked about this all week, men I swear.

"I thought maybe you had changed your mind." He rolls his eyes.

"I still don't like the idea of you guys going alone to them," he adds.

"We won't be alone, there's 6 of us. Plus Garrett is a part of PiPhi which is where we're going so he'll look out for us."

"Oh great, you're gonna be partying with the guy who wants to steal you from me."

"No one could steal me from you even if they tried, you have to trust me remember?"

I try to give him my best stern look through the phone.

"I know, I do. Just promise you'll call if anything happens?" He looks at me worried.

"I promise, I will be careful."

"Okay good, have fun, I love you."

"I love you too, good job on your win." I smile at him before pushing the end button and finish getting dressed.

I choose a comfortable outfit tonight, jeans and a crop top with some white sneakers.

As we call a cab to take us to the frat houses, we are all tipsy already. We had to order an SUV cab to fit all 6 of us but luckily the drive is short so it isn't too expensive.

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