chapter twenty-five: "You're not a distraction"

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Wednesday December 15th

Noah's POV

3 days. It has been 3 days since I've seen or talked to her. 

Everyone is walking on egg shells around me. I should care that everyone is afraid of me right now but I don't. I only care about one thing; her. 

I just want to know what the fuck happened. I mean we were fine Saturday night, and then all of a sudden she can't be with me?

Nat is my only source of information right now, Chloe and Bella are officially avoiding me. The boys are afraid to say the wrong thing, knowing I'll snap. Hell even Coach is afraid of my impending explosion. He hasn't said anything apart from a "good job" every now and then at practices. 

He's lying, I've been shit on the ice. I couldn't even get a shot past our 3rd string goalie yesterday. 

Right now I'm walking to the final class of theatrical writing. Finals were last week and our professor called a last class to go over our final grades. This used to be my favorite class, since it was an hour and a half that I got to spend with her. But now? Im dreading it. Although I have a feeling she won't even show. According to Nat, she's barely left their room. 

The boys and I take a seat towards the middle, pretty far back. Instinctively I put my bag in the seat next to me to save it, but remove it when I realize I don't have to anymore. 

I'm looking down at my phone when I feel Andrew tense beside me. I look at him and follow his eyes. There she is. She just walked through the door and our eyes meet for just a second. She immediately breaks the eye contact and takes a seat at the very front.

I start to stand when Andrew puts his hand on my arm, "don't, Noah. Don't do this now, not here. It's going to hurt her and you more than you already are."

"So what? I just sit here? She's 20 feet in front of me, dude." I look at him pleadingly.

"I know. But you know this isn't the time or place."

He's right. I nod and sit down.

Only 5 minutes pass before I'm going insane. I can see her from my seat, her hair is in a bun, only something she does when she is too lazy to brush it. She has a Clarkson Knights sweatshirt on and she's in leggings. She wore that exact outfit the first time we went out to breakfast together, at a cafe a few towns over. 

This is too much. I abruptly get up, causing the entire lecture hall to look at me, including her. Our eyes lock and this time neither of us have the strength to look away. This is too much.

I quickly walk down the stairs and out the door. Once I'm outside I can finally breathe again.

Andrews POV (A/N; I'm loving his POV, how about you guys??)

The 3 of us quickly gather our stuff and follow Noah out the door. I see Scarlett getting her stuff too.

Cam and Seth are outside when I catch Scarlett in the hallway outside of the classroom.

"Scarlett, stop this, please. You're both miserable."

She has silent tears flowing down her cheeks and she looks up at me, "I miss him."

I pull her into me and she cries into my chest. My chest tightens at the sound. 

She pulls away and looks at the door, "is he ok?"

"No, he's not. You have to tell him the truth. Let him deal with Sam. This isn't fair to either of you."

"You're right, it's not. Do you know what else isn't fair? My dad getting fired because I fell in love."

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