Chapter Three- "you don't have any exes?"

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No one said anything for what felt like an eternity. My dad in the doorway, and me and Noah standing there staring at him.

"Hale, what's going on here?" My dad asked suspiciously.

Before Noah could answer, I jumped in. "Chloe wore my sweatshirt over to their house when she was hanging out with Seth, Noah was just giving it back to me."

Right Scarlett, because why would Noah just carry your sweatshirt around with him. I'll admit it wasn't my strongest lie I've ever told.

"Okay... Scarlett you should get going, it's getting late"

"It's 3:30?"

But with one glare I knew the conversation wasn't up for discussion. I gave a sympathetic smile to Noah and waved bye to the both of them. What happened next I don't


I walked back to the dorm, sweatshirt in hand, and prayed Noah wouldn't give away that I'd spent more time with him than I'd let on. After about 5 minutes into my walk, Noah's name popped up on my phone.

"Looks who's alive" I joked.

"Barely, your dad just about threatened to kick me off the team if I get too close."

I sighed loudly, "I'm sorry, he's convinced that hockey players are the worst possible thing to happen to me in college"

He let out a soft laugh, "I'll try not to take too much offense to that. Are you back to your dorm yet?"

"No, it's about a 15-minute walk, I'm only half way"

"Hang tight, I'll come get you."

"What? Noah you don't need to do that I'm good"

Without responding he just hung up. "Rude" I said to myself.

A minute later, his black jeep stopped next to me, and he motioned through the window for me to get in. Giving me a look that make it clear it wasn't up for discussion. After I got in, I looked at him, confused as to why he came.

"So let me get this straight, my dad threatens to kick you off the team for talking to me and instead of being smart and avoiding me, you come pick me up?"

"Uhh, yeah basically. I'm not ready to stop being your friend yet, we'll just learn to hide it better."

"Friends huh? You've known me for a week and we're already friends" I said with a joking tone.

"I don't let just anyone sleep in my bed, so yes. We're friends" he said confidently.

I just smiled to myself and looked out the window, but when we turned in the opposite way of the dorms I turned to look at him.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise"

"Noah" I challenged.

"Calm down Scar, I'm starving after practice so we're going off campus for food."

I blushed at the nickname and just simply nodded. Friends, Scarlett. You are just friends with this ridiculously attractive man.

After about 20 minutes of driving and random small talk, we turned into a burger and milkshake diner. It was one of those diners that you see in the movies that are old fashioned and only offer like 10 different menu items.

Noah led us to a both towards the back of the diner and a waitress came to get our drinks. I understand that he's attractive but seriously, this waitress was practically throwing herself on his lap. She took our orders, well more so she took his order for about 5 minutes and then barely asked what I wanted before walking away.

"Do girls always act like that around you?" I asked, trying to hide my annoyance.

"Like what?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know. like you're the only person in the room."

Noah let out a laugh, "I mean I guess so, I don't really pay attention to it."

"Damn, I feel bad for your past girlfriends" I laughed.

"Well, I guess it's good that I don't have any past girlfriends then," he said sheepily.

"You don't have any exes?"

"No, a few past flings but nothing serious since high school."

"Can I ask why?" I tried to sound sincere, but I was genuinely curious.

"I don't know, just wasn't ever something that was important to me. Hockey, family, and school. Anything outside of that would take away from one of those 3 things and I can't afford to do that. I need hockey for my career and most girls would demand too much time."

I nodded to show I understood. Because I did, I saw how much my dad worked those boys and how much time it took to be a college athlete. Especially for someone like Noah, who had a shot at going pro, hockey is #1 priority.

Our food came shortly after, I got a cheeseburger with a chocolate milkshake and Noah got a double cheeseburger with a strawberry milkshake. We also split a thing of fries, which Noah ate most of.

The ride back to the dorms was quiet, not an awkward quiet but a peaceful silence. We listened to music and enjoyed the windows down and the cool August night. It was around 6pm when we got back to my dorm. He pulled into the parking lot and unlocked the doors.

"Thank you for the food, and for the drive" I smiled as I got out of the truck.

"Anytime, text me when you get in, ok?"

I nodded and shut the door, making my way into the dorm building. Once I got upstairs, I texted Noah that I made it up safely.

"Where have you been?" Nat asked from her bed.

"I, uh, went out to get food with Noah" I half mumbled the last part.

"Noah? I thought you went to the rink for your dad?"

"Yeah I did, and then Noah was there, and we got caught by my dad talking, which is a whole other story. But then Noah and I went and got food at this diner a few towns over."

"Okay so what's the deal with you guys then? Do you have feelings for him?" She asked suspiciously.

"no. maybe? I don't know. We're just friends and he's made it pretty clear he doesn't do relationships, but I can't help but think about him in a very non-friendly way"

She nodded and looked at me with an understanding look, "just give it some time. Maybe you just like the idea of him because you're not allowed to be with him. I mean you don't really know him that well, maybe friends is ok for now."

I knew she was right, and that there was definitely a chance that I only liked him because he was Noah Hale, captain of the hockey team, and 100% off limits. I need to get over this little crush if I want to be friends with him.

It was a Saturday night, but the girls and I decided to stay in since we were all still tired from the lack of sleep last night. We all did face masks and got settled into Nat and I's room to watch a Movie. 

♥︎A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Don't forget to Comment and Vote! See y'all in the next chapter ;)

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