chapter five: "you are not my boyfriend"

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As we got into our rooms, Nat looked at me suspiciously, "don't think I didn't miss your concern for Hale's bruised cheek and him putting his arm around you. Is something happening between you guys?"

"no. I don't think so at least. He's put me in the friend zone a few times now and I don't think he plans on taking me out of it. I don't know, maybe he's just a flirty person?" I sighed, "but trust me, his mixed signals are driving me nuts too."

"Maybe he just doesn't know how to not be casual with someone? You know what I mean? Maybe he's starting to like you but doesn't know how to deal with that so he's just keeping you as a friend until he figures it out" she shrugged.

"I guess, but he's also Noah Hale, when have you ever heard of him being in a relationship? I don't want to be naïve and think I'm the girl that can stop his reputation. So, for now, if he wants to be friends then I'll be friendly. And technically that means I can still meet and flirt with whoever I want" I smirked at her over my shoulder.

I heard her chuckle to herself, and we both started getting ready.

30 minutes later, all four of us were ready and waiting on Seth. We were all kind of dressed the same, ripped jean shorts of some sort and your basic party clothes that probably showed way too much skin. I took out my braids and my hair was wavy and I applied a little more makeup.

Seth texted Chloe that he was out front, and we all made our way down to the parking lot. He drove us to the boys' house, and we went inside to find the other boys pregaming. Andrew and Cameron we both downing shots and Noah had a beer in his hand.

I slid next to Noah at the kitchen island, "no shots for you yet?"

"I am technically DD tonight, so I'm trying to keep it to only a few drinks"

"Should I be worried that you're driving 'under the influence'?" I raised my eyebrow at him, half joking.

"Scarlett, I'm 200 pounds of pure muscle, it takes a lot to make me unable to drive" he laughed.

After we all did some shots and were feeling comfortably buzzed, we all piled into Noah's jeep and Seth's truck. The plan was for Seth to drive his truck and park it at a random frat's house for the night and then eventually, Noah would have to take two trips to get everyone back home. Noah would take Seth back to get his truck in the morning. Unfortunately, the club houses, where the hockey house is, is on the opposite side of campus from Frat Row, where all of the Greek houses are. This meant that we had a good 10 minute drive and Noah was going to have to make it twice at some ungodly hour of the night later on.

We drove across campus and Seth parked his truck at Pi Phi, a fraternity he's good friends with. After locking his truck and giving his keys to Noah, we all made our way inside. The boy's claimed that we would probably be at each frat for only a little bit and that they would be sure to find us whenever they were getting ready to leave.

As we walked up the sidewalk to the front door, the music and people were pouring out of every entrance. It was a large two-story mansion, fit for one of the biggest frats on campus. We migrated towards the kitchen to find the drinks, and each grabbed a seltzer out of the coolers. The boys lined up shots, minus Noah, and all downed a celebratory drink for their win.

We've been here for a while and we have successfully lost the boys, not necessarily on purpose. I was tipsy, but still coherent enough to make sound decisions. Chloe has drifted back and forth between dancing with Seth and hanging out with us. Nat and I were playing beer pong against a couple guys, and may I just add, we were completely kicking their ass.

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