Chapter 28: Lake Laogai

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HEYYY GUYS! I hope you are all doing well! I have a new chapter for you guys, and it's a pretty normal one. HOWEVER. There's more chemistry with Sokka and Safiyah! *squeals* Anyways, I hope you enjoy and happy reading!


|Lake Laogai| 


I walk back home with lighter feet, looking straight ahead. Any anxiety, disquiet, or unease that filled my organs is gone. Or at least none regarding my situation with Emen. That was really taking an unreasonable toll on me. 

I reach the front door, and as I go to open it, I get disrupted when the side of the house gets destroyed. The edge of the roof falls to the grass in demolished bits since the pillars holding it up have also been brought down. Perplexed and shocked, I get closer and see the inside of the house all out in the open. 

The door opens behind me, and Sokka calls out, "Hey Saf, you're back!" I turn around to meet him and Aang as Toph and Katara follow them out. 

"Hey, guys, uh, why is half of our house destroyed?" I ask, having no moderate guesses for the answer. 

"Oh, I did that," Toph says. She holds a blank gaze with the ground with a tiny smile on her face. "I felt like breaking some rules." 

"I know, but," I point at the permanent damage, "did you have to destroy half of our house for that?" 

"Oh, don't worry," Toph says while waving me off. "I'll just put a boulder and plug the hole. Piece of cake." 

I shrug. "If you say so. Anyways, what are you guys doing?" 

"We were just going to go put some posters of Appa up," Aang answers. "We printed a ton of flyers and posters out, but then Joo Dee  kept sticking her big nose in everything. Anyways, we're breaking the rules." 

"Oh, she's back?" I ask. "What happened after she disappeared from the party?" 

"She apparently took a vacation at Lake Laogai," Katara interludes. "And she just avoided all of our suspicions. Weird as always."

"Here Saf, have some posters," Aang adds. "We're getting started right away, and I'm not listening to whatever Joo Dee has to say." He hands me a thick pack of posters, all with a neatly drawn picture of Appa and contact information. Aang is wearing a mixture of coldness, desperation, and hope on his face, showing just how determined he is. 

We start to make our way more into the depths of the lower ring, and we start off with an alleyway. We all hold a bucket of thick glue and start plastering the papers on the stone walls. A few posters make their place and Sokka suggests to split up in order to cover more area. 

"Toph, you should probably go along with someone," I say. 

"Why, because you think I can't put up posters on my own?" she accuses loudly. To prove her point, she snags a poster and my brush from me, splats glue on the paper, and smacks it on the wall. 

A heavy silence fills the air because the poster is backwards. 

"It's upside down, isn't it?" Toph says dejectedly. 

"No, actually, it's backwards," I say.  

Toph sighs. "I'll just go with Safiyah." She sticks to my side as everyone else splits up. 

Toph and I move out more into the main square, and she hands me the glue brush. I start to stick up more posters, and I decide to strike up conversation. 

"So Toph, how are you enjoying traveling with us so far?" I ask. "Are we on your nerves yet?" 

"I'll have to admit, I'm liking it a lot," Toph says. "But I'm just dreading the time when this comes to an end. You know, when Twinkle Toes defeats the Fire Lord." 

Mixed Troubles - Sokka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now