37: cherry cake

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"Baby boy, can you put this for me back?" Taehyung asked Jungkook who stood next to him, filling a glass with orange juice.

"I swear, if you call me that one more time I am going to make you call me daddy all night," Jungkook said, putting the bottle harshly on the counter which made some drops of juice splatter out from the top.

"You said I could call you whatever I wanted yesterday. Taehyung said a day had passed and he was still with Jungkook, he was planning to stay for a while here since he still had his vacation.

"Yes but not THAT" jungkook frowned but taehyung just laughed, seeing such a grown up all irritated by a nickname. He went all the way now and squished jungkook's cheeks like the man was a little kid.

"ahw such a cute baby you are~"

"tae, I swear to god, '' Jungkook said, tearing the boy's hands off his face and frowning at him. "I love you but don't treat me like a baby. im literally 9 years older than you"

"yeah so?"

Jungkook raised a brow at the boy but he couldn't help but chuckle. "You really are me one sometimes." The raven put the bottle back in the fridge and walked to the dining table with his drink, opening his laptop to continue his work. now in a different room since he wanted to spend time with taehyung too.

"Can I read?" Taehyung asked, looking at Jungkook's screen but the writer was fast and clicked on a different tab. turning his head at the other.

"no, not yet"

"ahw..." the boy pouted. "How long did I have to wait?"

"hm a few days at least" jungkook shrugged not sure himself how fast he will get this done. "oh also, i have been invited to meet up with my new publisher about y book, they want to meet on Jeju island. and offered a stay in the meantime in the Lotte Hotel nearby the location. So i was wondering if you might want to go with me?"

Taehyung's eyes widened. "Wait, really?! I would love to!"

"Then I will get you a ticket too, we will make it to a little vacation" jungkook smiled. He was glad the boy wanted to come with him, he won't be alone, he will have his boyfriend with him, they can do all sorts of things with their privacy. Take him on diner dates or walk on the beach and even make a romantic hotel room for them.

"YES! I'm so excited. I can't wait!"

"Well lucky you don't have to wait long, it's next week already. things need to be handled off quick" Jungkook smiled and Taehyung sat down next to him when the raven started showing him pictures of the hotel and the location.

"so pretty!"

"yes, i thought to soo"

"Let me pay a part too, I can buy my own ticket?"

"Well it's not really needed. I will say I will have a partner and they will pay half of the ticket."


"yea, they said it in the call we had. so i will just call them back tonight and talk about it. either way you're coming with me" jungkook smiled and suddenly he felt a kiss on his cheek. the blonde had grabbed his head to give kisses on the writer's cheek.

"you're such a sweetheart," Taehyung said, smiling at the other. Jungkook chuckled and turned around on his chair facing his boyfriend next to him.

"come here, give me a proper kiss" he said and pulled the boy in a kiss on the lips. Their lips were used to each other and started moving just how they knew they wanted it. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's collar making sure the rave wouldn't pull away too soon. But Jungkook wasn't planning to, he snaked an arm around the boy's waist pulling him closer the boy's legs between his own to get closer. Taehyung tilted his head and parted his lips. Jungkook got the hint right away and pushed his tongue past the boy's lips playing with taehyung's. The blonde let out a shaky breath and had to pat away a wide smile on his lips with a blush on his cheeks.

"You know....i kind of want to do it again," taehyung said, a bit shy to ask.


"M-make love, sex like you call it" taehyung chuckled a bit awkwardly.

"you want to? I will make love with you anytime if you want to." Jungkook smirked, rubbing his hand over Taehyung's inner thigh, making the boy bite his lip.

"I-i didn't mean every time! That's too much!" the boy was flustered. "but today, i want to do it again."


"y-yes" taehyung smiled and jungkook chuckled. He knew he was going to work today but he wasn't going to decline an offer like that so he shut his laptop and stood up holding taehyung's hand.

"Let's go upstairs my sweet boyfriend," he said and guided ,like a gentleman, the younger to the bedroom. He laid the boy on the bed and hovered above him. both feeling this lustful desire increasing. The first time they did it together left them wanting more.

"Jungkook, can I ask you something?" Taehyung asked suddenly while his fingers played with Jungkook's shirt.

"Of course"

"those other people you.... had sex with, did you do this too? Kiss and tell them they were beautiful and all '' taehyung's smile faded a bit and he looked down at his hand that held jungkook's shirt.

"tae...no i did not. i didnt say those things because I wouldn't have meant them, but yes.. i kissed some of them" Jungkook replied honestly, he wasn't going to lie anymore, it would only bring bad things if he lied and it would damage taehyung's trust in him more than telling the truth which might not be what the other wanted to hear.

"I see...that's okay, you mean it with me, right?" Taehyung asked and looked up. "You really love me, right?"

"I do, really I do. i mean it all what i tell you" Jungkook said his eyes saddening. He felt his heart getting stabbed hearing those questions, he could see how much he had damaged the other by what he did before, by what he almost did with that woman he met when he was drunk. He didn't know how he would ever fix this, but he was sure to work harder to somehow fix the crack he left in the boy's trust and feelings.

"I believe you" Taehyung smiled and pulled Jungkook down in a kiss. making the raven forget his worry for their relationship for a moment.


sorry for making you all wait so long. it was hard to write something for the story as i have no idea what more to add to it i have written everything i wanted so im going to put an end to it soon. and in the meantime a lot happened. i thank you all for your patience i hope you will enjoy till the end, thank you for being here! i will hopefully see you in the next chapter.


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