28: Nitro Cold Brew

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Its been two days and Jungkook thought is was the moment to go visit taehyung to maybe be able to talk to him. they shaired a few simple texts but that was it. The writer was losing all his inspiration for his book as he spend all night thinking and being sad about what happend. He wanted to make it right to the boy, so with his big brain he was making a list of things he could do ...well also with Namjoon's advice. 

J fucking K why the Fuck are you nervous?! the raven thought standing in front of the house he had been waiting to visit.

"Ahhhh okay lets go" Jungkook took a deep breath and lifted his hand to ring the bell but stopped midair. Maybe he shouldnt. "why is this so hard?" he hissed confused and frustrated at himself. He almost never feels nervous but now he did. This felt so important he was hesitating with each action, thought and word he spoke. "Okay no more being a baby, you are a frikin grown ass man Jeon"

the raven straitened himself and rang the doorbell. a wave of nervousness went through him again. it took long form a sound to come form the other side of the door. he was about to turn around and walk away like he was never there when the door flew open.

"Oh, its you" Seokjin was the one that opened the door. the raven looked at him a short but awkward silence fell. 

"a-ah uhm, is Taehyung home?" jungkook said realising how he sounded like a little kid asking his friend to come play outside.

"He is" soekjin answered but didnt make any movement to let the raven inside or say somethin g else.

"Can...can i see him?"

"I dont know. ask if he wants to"

"huh?" the raven said not really getting what the other meant but he knew when seokjin took a step aside and Taehyung walked from the side into view. Seokjin walked away leaving the two alone in the doorway.

"Hey Kook..." Taehyung said smiling a bit. He just couldn't help these butterflies didnt stop flying around when he saw the other. not even how hard he tried to make them calm down. he should act angry and mad but this was making it hard to do.

"Hey Tae..." Jungkook said and there was again a silence. "how are you?" 

"im alright...you?"

"can be better" Jungkook said and sighed softly. he wasnt really doing very good compaired to before, he wasnt working and just sitting around all day. "how is your...vacation?" 

"its alright" taehyung said. he got vacation from work yesterday and was now free for two weeks. He had hoped to be able to spend time with Jungkook this vacation but things sadly didnt work out like that. Now they had this odd feeling conversation in the doorway on his first day of vacation.

"Why did you come here? " taehyung asked.

"I wanted to see you..." jungkook said. Taehyung's eyes lit p a bit hearing that. "i wanted to ask. if you maybe want to go out with me, we could get a drink and sit in the park, its nice warm weather" 

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, it didnt look that warm seeing the raven wore a coat but he himself stood in his pajama shorts so it probably was warm indeed. "Sure" he replied and didnt fail to notice the raven smile wide. "let me chance first"

"No problem, i can wait here"

"come in" taehyung said and walked away leaving the door open. the writer walked inside closing it behind him. Taehyung dissapeared upstairs so the raven waited in the livingroom, his eyes watching taehyung's roommate that was seinging him glares.

"If you hurt him one more time i swear i gonna kill you" Seokjin said it so calmly that it made the raven quickly nod.

"I wont, i never wanted this to happen. dont worry about it happening again"

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