5: lemonade

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Taehyung sat down on the bench in front of the place jungkook asked to meetup. It was 11:10 now. Maybe Jungkook had traffic sp the boy waited patiently on the bench. 

but those seconds turned into minutes, and Taehyung started to feel unsure. What if the raven wont show up. what if he was just playing with him? It wont be surprising knowing he was a casual flirt, maybe he just wanted to make him nervous but didn't actually mean anything. Taehyung sighed, did he just make a fool out of himself to believe that Jeon Jungkook would ask him on a drink? 

he checked his phone. 11:15.... 

maybe i should just go home...he played me. The boy looked disappointed, he didnt know if he should be sad or angry at the moment. he stood up going to just head back home and forget about it. 

"Hey..." A familiar voice said. Taehyung turned around seeing Jungkook stand there he was catching his breath.

"you came...i waited 15 minutes" the barista said slightly complaining but not trying t sound rude.

"Im sorry, i rushed here as fast i could. i tried to move the appointment but they only moved ten minutes, sorry again for being late." Jungkook said and sighed, he didnt expect the boy to still be here, or even be here. But he was glad he was just in time.

"Alright" taehyung said and then Jungkook stood very close to him to head to the entrance of the cafe. the boys heart skipped a beat, the writer was so close he could smell the rather sweet scent of his washed fresh clothes.

"you coming or nah?" the raven said looking back while holding the door open. taehyung nodded and followed Jungkook inside. The lady behind the counter smiled at them as they passed to sit at a table. 

"why didnt you say you had a appointment?" taehyung asked.

"they called me last night, i tried to move but they were tight on schedule. normally i am always on time, it wont happen again" The writer said clearly bothered by the fact he was 15 minutes late. It wasnt leaving a good impression. "but besides that, what would you like to drink, ans as i said my treat."

"i would like the tropical lemonade" taehyung said it had fruits and ice in it which he liked. and besides maybe asking for a bit more would compensate for the writer being late. Not that it was THAT expensive, jungkook wont even notice probably.

"alright, i will take some tea for a change"

"tea? no coffee?" 

"i only drink your coffee sweetcake" 

"a-ah i see" taehyung smiled shyly, inside feeling proud that jungkook likes his coffee that much. 

"So you liked art, what do you paint?" jungkook started the conversation.

"i paint whatever i like, birds, landscapes or just mixed colors. nothing that special" the blonde shrugged and smiled when his drink was served. "thank you" he said to the waiter and smiled. Jungkook looked at him smiling when he saw taehyung smile.

"That's interesting, i would love to see it actually."

"Really?? i dont have any pictured on my phone sadly, maybe i can make one and show you"

"sounds good, then i guess we have to meet up a second time" jungkook grinned. "how about my place."

"a-ah uhm i have work this week so i dont think i can" taehyung said he didnt want to sound rude and say he didnt trust the man after only seeing him in the cafe. 

"too bad" the writer chuckled and looked outside for a second. "So what would you chose between a date in a park or a date in a restaurant?"

"oh uhm..i would prefer in a park, then the can have a nice picnic and sit in the sun, its more casual than going to a restaurant, and cheaper." Taehyung said, he liked to visit a park as it can be a good time to get to know each other.

"i see, thats nice" jungkook nodded making a mental note of it. "so how about we visit the park?"

"a-ah you mean right now?" taehyung asked surprised.

"yes i do"

"okay, we can do that" taehyung smiled, he didnt think to do more than just drink, it was nice. only jungkook made him so nervous and shy, he tried so hard not to blush and make it obvious he was nervous, but damn it was hard. 



so said so done. Jungkook and taehyung were now walking in the park over the little path between the grass, the sun was warm making Jungkook to take off his jacket now holding it in his hand. They didnt say much but they were just together, taehyung wasnt so nervous anymore slowly getting used to being with Jungkook. 

"You like flowers?" jungkook asked looking at the daisies between the grass.

"i do, but im not so good at keeping them alive" taehyung chuckled. he liked flowers but they would die in just a few days, he for some reason failed at caring for them.

"oh well...okay i guess" jungkook said smiling. "what is your favorite flower?"

"dahlia! they are so beautiful" taehyung said excited. he really loved how colorful they were and how they were shaped.

"thats cute, they are nice indeed" jungkook nodded mentally noting that down too. 

"and you do you like flowers?"

"i may sound so not original but i like flowers, especially the lavender colored ones" jungkook said. " they represent love at first sight, its cute"

"really? i didnt know that" 

"me neither, but when i did i knew i would put those on my favorite list."

"may i ask you something?" 

"go ahead"

"where do you always find the inspiration to write about, like i read some of your books and they are so good"

"ah well...i just uhm...i watch online and read...things..." jungkook said not expecting that question.

"i see" taehyung noticed jungkook didnt seem to be comfortable answering it so he just stopped asking about it.

"i have to be home at 1 so i got to leave" jungkook said checking the time.

"ah alright, then i will maybe see you tomorrow in the cafe?"

"of course, i always come get my favorite drink. now have a nice day and see you around., sweetcake" the raven said and bend down picking a dais from the grass, he put it in taehyungs hair before walking away. leaving the young blonde smiling as he watched the writer walk away.

Normally Taehyung wasnt that interested in daisy's but now jungkook decorated his hair with one he treasured the little flower and made sure it wont fall out of his hair as he walked the other way to his own home.


Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed. He rested his head in his hands. Yes he got to try the things he wanted, but it didnt feel right after. He could hear the man behind him get out of bed disappearing in the bathroom. The only thing in his head was Taehyung. 

Jungkook was trying. 

He needed to keep writing, but he also wanted to get closer to the cute barista. He didnt want to creep him off with what he did at home, even after their drink and walk in the park he just went home and 'worked'. but it didnt feel right to do so jungkook felt bad now.

"hey, yo-"

"leave please" Jungkook said. "its nothing personal just go" he didnt spare the man another glance and laid back down on his back staring at the ceiling. 

what to do..


Thank you for reading see you in the next update!


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