29: cheesecake

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Three days passed and the two were still having a little distance. Taehyung had a day out with Jimin today to get his mind off things and clear his head. He kept talking about Jungkook and thinking of him.

"Stop talking about him and enjoy it," Jimin said, taking his sunglasses off when they entered the shopping mall again.

"but i miss him..." taehyung said and pouted.

"i know, but he has to work for it. He did wrong, not you. So stop whining"


"no but Tae, you are going to enjoy today. Later you can go back thinking of him. Not now, i want you to smile"

"okay" taehyung sighed following Jimin into the next store.

"lucky i got Hoseok's card, i can spoil myself and you" Jimin grinned. His boyfriend had given him his bank card to shop with. And of course Jimin was gonna use this opportunity to spoil his best friend. If Jimin gives his puppy eyes his boyfriends never can get mad at him.

"you don't have to buy me things, chim. I have money too"

"yes but i have more so why not pay for you" the pink haired chuckled. Taehyung gave up trying knowing his friend won't change his mind anymore, no matter what he would say. "oh look, isn't this something for you?" Jimin grabbed a white button up which had silver decoration on the sleeve. It matched pretty with taehyung's blond hair and green eyes.

"i will trust the model here" taehyung said with a chuckle.


That same day a writer sat in his office. Staring at the blank Screen with two words on it....The title and the word 'there'. He couldn't think of more than that.

"come on Jeon..." he told himself and moved his fingers over the keyboard, but immediately deleted them again and sighed deeply.

"fuck!" he shouted and shut gis laptop putting his head on the table. He couldn't write anything. Everything was wrong. He looked at the cup he still kept till this day. He didn't smile this time when he saw it. He just got sad and leaned back in his seat staring at the ceiling.

"taehyungie.......I'm so sorry" he kept telling nothing. He already bombarded the boy with hundreds of apologies. he wasn't planning to get annoying.

The raven just sat there for a long time until he got hungry and decided to call some delivery food. He wasn't feeling in a mood to make himself some proper food, and he couldn't really care right now. He sighed after he ordered the food and was just looking at the home screen of his phone. After debating in his head he opened the chats and send a message.

hey tae


ey Jungkook

The raven was about to send another text when he changed his mind and pressed the 'call' button. it took only two seconds for the other to answer.

"yea i decided calling you was better" Jungkook said and heard a small chuckle form the other side of the line.

"That's okay"

"I uhm....i wanted to ask if you want to go on a date again? We could go to the beach, its getting hot tomorrow"

"I would like that, can you pick me up from my home?"

"of course" Jungkook was not going to say 'no' if the boy asked him to pick him up.

"then i will wait for you tomorrow"

Jungkook smiled feeling happy again that he had something to look forward to again.

"Im glad-"

*ding dong*

"-ah im sorry, that must be the food i ordered."

"I see, then enjoy your meal. i am heading back home anyway..."

"yea..." Jungkook was already walking to the door but didn't want to hang up. Neither did Taehyung, they stayed silent. just some background noise from their location was heard.

"did you do something today?" Jungkook asked, filling the silence. He accepted the food from the delivery man and paid him money. "Keep the change" he said to the man and closed the door.

"i went shopping with Jimin"

"oh that's nice"

"He liked the bracelet.."

"I really looks beautiful on you, im happy to hear you still wear it"

"of course i do! i love it. i love everything you give me" the boy said his cheery vibe back. jungkook chuckled now standing in the kitchen he put the boy on speaker to unpack his meal that was slowly turning cols the longer he waited.

"That makes me smile."

"me too...ah i mean, yay. or...i don't know haha" taehyungs laughed a bit awkwardly. "okay that was embarrassing, lets just ignore what i said''

jungkook chuckled, he missed this taehyung. He missed Taehyung in general. everything about him. It felt like the spark on his day was gone.

"I have to hang up now..."

"oh that's okay, it was nice talking to you again"

"yes, it was"

"Taehyung" the raven said just before taehyung could hang up.


"i....i miss you"

"...i miss you too Jungkook," Taehyung said. The raven felt his heart warm hearing that. He couldn't mess up. but he can do it. He was sure he could fix this. He just had to keep it for a while longer.




sorry this is very short. i didnt know what to add without time skipping this. i try my best, but yea im bad at these things in stories....

anyway i hope you dont mind my poorly writing at this moment, when i will be better when things go back to normal between them...i think.. idk. sorry.

Thank you for reading, i hope to see you in the next update again!

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