27: breve

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that same evening Jungkook was back home and texted Taehyung. he left earlier that day but things felt off.





I know you read it, why are you not replying?



Jungkook sighed and put the phone down. He didnt like it that the other wasnt replying to him. He thought things were good, was it about what he did? Is taehyung having second thoughts? Many things went through the writer's head while he stared at the screen of their chat.

Suddenly Taehyung's profile went to 'online' and started typing.

I dont feel like talking




Dont ignore me please...


The raven shut his phone and leaned his head on the table with a heavy sigh. This wasnt over and done. The other might have said he had forgiven him but it was definetly bothering the other. jungkook couldnt think of anything else.

"what to do....How do i make it up to someone..." jungkook mumbled and grabbed his phone again. This time calling someone other than Taehyung.

"Joon-ah i need your advice come over" jungkook said when the call was answered.

"i am currently on a date. What did you do?" his friend said.

"i messed up....Between taehyung and me things are not so well now"

"Kook what the fuck, okay i will be there tonight" the older sighed and said to come over.


"no problem, i have to go now, bye" namjoon ended the call and Jungkook leaned back in his seat staring at the coffee cup he still had saved.

'Jeon Jungkook ❀ you got this!'

He felt his heart clench at the memory. "fucking hell Kook"


"Tae come eat" Seokjin said standing next to the couch holding two glasses he was about to put them on the dinner table but he noticed his friend still slumped on the couch with a sad face.

"Im not hungry..."

"You have to eat a bit. you will feel hungry at night and thats not good. come just eat as much you can okay?" Seokjin knew the other was sad about what Jungkook did. he wasnt going to be angry and make it worse so he kept himself calm.

"i hate it..." taehyung said. "i hate he did that....I love him i cant find it in me to hate him."

"Thats what love can do.." Seokjin said and sighed sitting down next to the other, he placed the glasses on the low table to hug his friend who looked like he was about to cry. 

"I really want to be with him....but he did that...i dont know if i can trust him. there as things i never knew about him, how can i be sure he isn't hiding more than just that" Taehyung said staring at the two glasses ad a focus point.

"You can ask him"

"but will he speak the thruth?"

"i dont know...i dont know Jungkook that well." seokjin sighed. "just tak some time for yourself and think about it, i think you went a bit too fast."

"but i dont want to break up...i like him"

"If someone isnt willing to be loyal then that person shouldn't be loved by someone who needs loyalty." The older spoke, at times like this Seokjin felt a bit like Taehyungs grandpa, speaking those wise words that made him think. "Now, come eat and lets talk about it again later okay?"



while the two ate Namjoon arrived at Jungkook's place and the door flew open before he could even knock. He saw his friend and a sad face to greet him.

"Okay what did you do?" he asked walking in and follow jungkook to the livingroom.

"I did something bad" Jungkook said and began explaining it all again to Namjoon. the other listened and sighed when the story was done.

"why...just why" Namjoon said. "there was no need for you to drink that much"

"I know. but i need your help. I dont know what to do to make it up. i never had this before" the writer said. this was his first boyfriend so he was unsure what to do that is something proper.

"Well, did you tell him and apologize?" 

"yes i did" jungkook tod him te blode his reaction. "but he isnt talking to me now"

"Well, i suggest you stop fucking even responding to your previous hook ups and delete everything from them. And seeing what you did dont get THAT drunk again, maybe just distance from alcohol to prevent you making the same mistake twice" Namjoon said more like stating the obvious that the raven was too panicked in his head for to even think of. "Make sure to let the boy know you really want him and care for him"

"Like kiss him and gift things?"

"no that would look desperate and like you are trying to manipulate him, you do simple things. dont just kiss him. you can try asking him first." Namjoon said, he was sounding like an expert in Jungkook's eyes. his dark eyes watching his friend obediently. his mature posture gone and replaced with a insecure one. "Take him on a date and focus on him not anything else. Not be pushy and come over everyday. You can gift him a rose for example something that isnt expensive and is simple but meaningful. And dont spam him over text, that is hella annoying"

"Okay okay. so i can take him on a date still?"

"if he wants you, you need to ask first. Hold a bit back so you dont let him feel uncertain about your intensions. Just go a few steps back"

"Okay.. think i can do that..." jungkook said and sighed. "Why am i like this Joon?..."

"Because you were young and got addicted. but you are in your twenties, so its to to late to chance. Its never to late to go on a different path."


'No problem." namjoon smiled and walked dot his friend sitting next to him. "if you are really meant to be together, things will work out in the end. you have time, so give it the time it needs"

"how do you know all these things?"

"I messed up myself once. but i did it wrong and i dont want you to be like i was that time"

"i see...thanks again i will try that." Jungkook said and smiled a bit. he now knew what to do. he was ready to do it. he will take a few steps back and try again. He will not mess this up.


thank you for reading the double update. i was so into the story i just kept making new chapters to get it all written down.

I am almost just spamming you al sifbsjsb

see you in the next chapter!


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