15: flat white

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"so this is your house?" Jungkook asked looking around.

"i share with Seokjin, its actually his house. I just live with him." taehyung said watching the raven walk in his livingroom looking at the things. "would you like to look around?"

"sure!" Jungkook smiled and removed his hands from his pockets. Taehyung looked at the writer's hands noticing an expensice looking bracelet. It shimmered in the light that reflected on it.  He quickly looked away not to get caught staring. And turned around.

"okay, follow me" taehyung said and showed the raven their kitchen, livingroom and the bedrooms. They didnt have lot of rooms as most of  the bottom floor, besides the toilet, was one shared room.

Taehyung had no idea why he was even showing Jungkook his house. But he couldnt stop himself form doing so.

He wanted Jungkook in his house.

"its a nice cozy feeling home" Jungkook said when he stood in the boys room. Taehyung had a fun room, its kind of what he had in mind. The walls were white with a few pictures stuck on it. A messy desk with notebooks. Probably just left there. His closet looked really well cleaned and organised and the bed was kind of made. It was flipped open to fresh air but the way it was done was all messy. Besides all that, it was really clean.

"yea lets go back down" taehyung said and headed for the door but Jungkook put his arm across the door leaning against the doorpost blocking the blonde's path. Taehyung looked at the raven a bit confused.

"are we already leaving?"  jungkook asked tilting his head.


"why dont we spend some more time in....The bedroom" Jungkook said and felt a lock of taehyungs blonde hair.

The barista's face turned bright red and he covered his face with the blanket that as still wrapped around him.

"so cute, lets go down. You're sick" jungkook chuckled. He was just playing. The boy was sick there was no way he would do something like that.

Or the boy would have to ask for it, then jungkook cant decline that reuqest.

The two went back down and jungkook grabbed his jacket. "i should go now. I have things to finish at home"

"ah, i see" Taehyung pouted a bit. He didnt want Jungkook to leave. He really enjoyed his company. He wanted to have him around more. He so actually really liked his flirty comments now.

"i will see you hopefully soon. When you are all healthy again" jungkook said and headed to the door. Taehyung opened it for him to let his guest out. "dont forget to eat and drink, go sleep early so you can rest more" the writer said when he stood outside.

"i will, thank you a lot. I really liked your company"

"and i liked to be with you too. I will text you soon" jungkook smiled then turned around. Taehyung gave him a shy wave and watched the man walk away. When he breeze went past him he shivered and closed the door.

Meanwhile Jungkook kept walking all the way back to the cafe where he had parked his car. It was a bit far but it was worth it. He got to spend time with his favorite boy.


Its late and Taehyung was already in bed. Seokjin had gave him a pill which he can take when he feels really bad again. It was currently on his nightstand with a glass of water on the side. He was glad to have such a caring friend. Now Jimin wasnt around that much because of his job he was glad to have seokjin.

Taehyung was tired and knew he should sleep but he couldnt. He refused to do so. He was keeping himself awake. His noticifation sound was on in high volume.

He was waiting.

The boy rolled on his side with a sigh. Trying to keep his eyes open. His eyes looked at the time. It was 9:55 pm. It wasnt THAT late. But his body was tired and needed to rest.


The boys eyes widen and he grabbed his phone unlocking it. He smiled wide seeing the text he had been waiting for.

Jeon Jungkook:
You asleep yet?

No, not yet.

Jeon Jungkook:
Well, wouldnt it be time for you to sleep?

Well, yea but i was waiting for your text. (//・_・//)

Jeon Jungkook:
Oh really?

Im flad i didnt fall asleep yet. Or else I would have missed it.

Jeon Jungkook:
Typing is going to make you look at the screen and hurt your eyes. Now turn off the phone and sleep.


-['Jeon jungkook' is calling]-

The blonde almost dropped his phone when he heard the loud ringtone. He quickly accepted the call before Seokjin would hear it.


"hello Sweetcake"

"hey, Jungkook" the boy said hiding his racing heartbeat and nervousness.

"arent you tired?" jungkook asked.

"a bit...Yea."

"hmm, so do you have a favorite drink?"

"oh, uh well.. I really like strawberry lemonade. But thats a bit basic....I also like mocha coffee. That also nice" the boy said.

"i knew about the lemonade but not about your coffee favorite. I will invite you on a coffee date later then"

"...Date?"  taehyung asked he was feeling really sleepy but he did caught the last sentence.

"yes, a date" Jungkook chuckled. "but now you can close your eyes and rest. I will stay on the line"

"....Really?...." taehyung mumbled. His hand was slowly relaxing almost letting go of the phone.

"of course"

"...." taehyung didn't reply his eyes had fallen shut. His hand let go of the phone that fell on the matress.

"goodnight Tae" the writers voice was heard once more before the call was ended. Leaving the bright light of the call history to light up the room before being replaced with complete darkness of the night.


Written on phone may have missed some errors as my eyes arent that good in reading at night. Sorry about that.

Thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!

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