2: cappuccino

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"no i dont want to bring that, he looks scary" Taehyung whispered back to his friend.

"dont be such a pussy" seokjin joked and rolled his eyes. He asked taehying to go give a customer his order bit taehyung refused saying the man was scary. He looked like those biker dudes you see on tv. Taehyung wasnt going to get grabbed or bothered like he saw in movies so he refused to even go near.

"Tae come on, there is letterly me and some others people. If he even tries something i will throw him out. That easy." seokjin said, taehyung wasnt a very confident or bold person. He was very shy and got small easily.

"....Fine....If i die its your fault" taehyung snapped back softly and snatched the tray from seokjin's hands. The dark haired watched him and shook his head before attending the next customer.

Dont be scared, he probably isnt that bad... Taehyung told himself as he walked towards the man. On his way he passed the Writer's table. His head turned slightly following with his dark orbs the blonde waiter's figure before setting on the man in the leather jacket.

"h-here you go, sir" taehyung said putting the cup down with a donut.

"where is my juice?"


"i asked this with juice, where is it?" the man frowned and taehyung took a step back. He made a note to get angry at Seokjin for sending him out here.

"i-i must have missed that i will get it right away"

"you better"

"which flavour did you want?" taehyung asked gulping at the intense glare the man send him.


"give me one minute, im sorry sir" taehyung said and hurried off. His eyes catching Jungkook who was looking at the biker with a cold expression.

"he is rude, i dont want to go back. You go"

"are you serious?" seokjin said lifting a brow.

"yes! He was mean, because i forgot his juice, you forgot it, you took his order"

"alright alright, ill go bring it Give it to me" seokjin said taking the ass from taehyung and walk to the man. Jungkook turned his head to the side making taehyung shock because of the sudden eye contact. The blonde kept watching him so Jungkook was the first to look away when his phone rang. He answered walking out of the cafe to stand outside.

He came here so often that he even grew casual to leave his stuff unattented. Knowing no one would steal it and if someone did, taehyung or Seokjin probably would have seen it anyway.

"Tae your shift is over in a bit, you can go chance."

"yea" the boy responded typing again all the things they sold today in their report.
Seokjin made new fresh coffee while checking the time every now and then. Minutes passed quickly, and he sighed walking again over to his friend.

"Tae go home, its past your time" he said again.

"in a bit"

"what are you waiting for?" seokjin asked and turned around to his tea that had finished.

"...Nothing..." the boy said pouting slightly as he looked at the screen. He checked the time and sighed, it was already 15 minutes past his shift. But he couldnt go home....Not untill-

*tap tap* a finger tapped the counter before under eyes making him look up. Unconsciously he smiled.

"waiting for me sweetcake?"


"hmm well then, i want to pay"

"€13.55 please" taehyung said and while Jungkook was paying he had time to look at his handsome features. The sharp Jawline with the pretty bowed lips, his neatly styles hair and great looking outfit. For a Writer he looked highly fashionable, almost like a model from a magazine.

"thank you for your visit" taehyung said handing him the receipt. Jungkook took it and put on his glasses and grabbed his bag.

"go home cutie, im leaving too. See you around" Jungkook said with a nod and walked away. The blonde barista followed him again untill he dissapeared out of sight.


Jungkook used his key to unlock his car. Putting the bag next to the driver seat he put the key in and started the car.

"now....Finnaly some relaxation" the man mumbled as he turned on the radio ready to head home for a nice dinner before he had to work again.

He had a....Guest..

While he grabbed the steering weel to drive off his eyes fell on the brown cup of this morning. 'Jeon Jungkook❀'
The writer smiled at the little flower but it faded when he remembered his work today.
Shaking it off as quickly as he could he drove off throwing the cup away in the bag next to him.

"not now..."


"what time do you work tomorrow?" Jimin asked on the phone.

"7 till 1 i have a short shift" taehyung replied.

"how about i pick you up and we have lunch together? My treat"

"sounds great, i would love to!"

"then thats settled, see you tomorrow"

"bye Chim!"

They ended the call and taehyung smiled continuing his dinner which he was eating alone. Seokjin was still at work. Taehyung didnt mind eating alone that much, but it did made him feel a bit lonely. He never really had anyone at his side like Jimin had, heck that man even snatched two of those.

The blonde also wanted someone like that, someone to love him and make him happy. Someone to grow old with.

"im not hungry..." he mumbled staring at his half eated food. He sighed putting a plastic cover over the plate and store it in the fridge for now.


The second chapter! I enjoy writing a flirty kook kekeke.

Thank you for reading, see in the next update!

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