18: Macchiato

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The next day Taehyung went to work with a big smile. Yesterday was such a strange but amazing day. he cant believe he kissed with the handsome man he liked so much. His day couldnt break anymore. He was fully in heavens still. After his call with jimin he was feeling more confident. His friend always knew how to talk to him and get him to realise things. And now he definetly realised something. maybe something that he actually had realised before.

"Hello Minho!" Taehyung said cheerful when he entered the cafe and saw his friendly coworker. 

"Hey Taehyung!" Minho greeted him with a big smile. 

"I thought i would see Seokjin, did he already leave?"

"Yes he already left a few minutes ago, he had a date he said"

"a date?" taehyungs eyes widen.

"yea, i saw him with a blonde man."

"oh really, i willl keep that in mind" Taehyung chuckled and went to the back changing his clothes quickly before he came back behind the counter. 

"also this morning someone lef this for you" Minho said handing Taehyung an envelope.

"oh, whats this?"

"i dont know, its got your name."

taehyung looked at the elegant handwriting for his name and turned around opening the envelope. Inside was a neatly folded paper. it was a letter. the boy folded it open and read it,

'Hello sweet Taehyung,

i missed you this morning. i visited but i had to leave quick for work. So i asked this Seokjin guy to give this to you. 

I want to ask you to come to the park today after your shift. which should be 5 right? Anyway. please come to the park if you have time. 

Also, i left you a little present~

Jeon Jungkook'

Taehyung looked in the envelope and his eyes widen. there was something shiny inside. the blonde grabbed the silver shimmering thing and looked at it. he gasped remembering the bracelet. It was the diamond bracelet Jungkook was wearing when he visited.

"No way.." he said looking at the beautiful little diamonds that decorated the silver. A big smile appeared on his face and he hugged the bracelet against his chest. he couldn't believe jungkook gave him this just like that. Either way he will cherish this. The blonde put the bracelet around his wrist and looked at it sparkle. beautiful...

"Taehyung can you watch for me, i got to deliver" Minho said while he walked off with a tray full of drinks

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"Taehyung can you watch for me, i got to deliver" Minho said while he walked off with a tray full of drinks. 

"yes sure!" taehyungs day was even better. while he help0ed all the customers he kept staring at the bracelet he got with the happiest face.


It was getting later and later and then finally taehyung was done, the last customer left the cafe and Minho turned the sign to 'closed'. the blonde was filling up the bucket to mop the floor when he looked at the bracelet.

"Oh!" he said and turned the tap off. he turned his head and checked the time. he gasped seeing it was 5:06 already.

"Minho i am so sorry to ask this, but can you close and clean for me? i have to go somewhere important. i will repay you, i promise." Taehyung said almost begging his friend to let him leave.

"Of course, i will do this. ii will keep this in mind for when i need something hehe" Minho grinned. taehyung chuckled and nodded.

"thats fine with me. then i will head off. again im sorry, i will see you later!" the blonde quickly changed and dashed out of the cafe. He started running towards the park where a certain handsome man asked him to come. He didnt think he had the stamina to run this fast and far, but look at him now. running as fast he could to the location.

out of breath the blonde finally arrived at the gates of the park. he waited a few seconds ad walked inside following the path. He hoped the raven didnt leave already. He felt so bad that he was late. he looked around for any sign of the writer but he didnt see anyone that looked like him. Taehyung sighed...was he too late?

he was about to get his phone and call him when his eyes caught something laying on a bench on his left. "oh?" he walked to it and saw a pink Dahlia with a letter. putting his phone back he bend down to grab the letter and the flower.

'Dear Taehyung, i got you your favorite flower, i know you would like that.'

the blonde was surprised this was for him and he looked up. there was only a bench but when he turned around hus eyes widen seeing jungkook stand behind him. his hands behind his back. 

"Hey Tae.."

"J-jungkook" taehyungs heart was going wild seeing the raven. 

"Do you like it? the bracelet" jungkook said nudging his head towards the blonde his wrist where he saw his diamond bracelet.

"ah! yes i really love it, thank you!" taehyung said and smiled wide looking at the bracelet for the nth time already. jungkook chuckled glad the boy liked his gift. "but..why? it looks so expensive.."

"i noticed you were looking at it when i visited, so i thought of gifting it to you. you seemed to like it" jungkook said and smiled. "I can miss it if it makes you happy"

"thank you a lot, i will cherish it forever" the boy said and rubbed his wrist shyly. he was getting ore and more nervous of the moment, he felt something was coming. 

"I actually invited you here to ask you something"

"really?" taehyung looked up and tilted is head waiting for the question. but he was not ready for the feeling he got when Jungkook spoke those words. he started to blush and his heart skipped a beat.

"do you want to be my boyfriend?"



thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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