6: decaffe

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It was fun, it was a very good day yesterday. Taehyung smiled while he did the first orders of the day. He was feeling very happy ever since the meetup with Jungkook yesterday. It did him good. And he couldnt wait to see him again.

"Here is your drink, please visit again!" taehyung said happy, it made the man and other customers smile on this early morning. It was always nice to see someone give you a smile on a work morning. most people didnt look forward but a smile could make things better.

"what can i get for you?" he went to the next. "An espresso please"

"of course" Taehyung turned around and saw Seokjin already make the drink. they could work together very well so things went fast. "here you go1" he smiled to that customer too. And then finally the first row was done giving them to time to relax a bit.

well they thought.

"you seem in high spirits today, cutie" Taehyung smiled and turned back around seeing Jungkook at the counter looking down on him from his taller figure.

"Yes!" Taehyung said and Jungkook smiled at that. suddenly something caught the blonde's eyes he pointed to jungkook's neck. "what's that?" it looked like a bruise but also not quite. but jungkook stood to far to see it. and as soon he said it Jungkook adjusted his collar hiding the spot.

"its nothing" Jungkook said and cleared his throat. "so... tell me," he started and stepped forward bending forward placing his elbows on the counter "what's your number Sweetcake?" Jungkook asked leaning forward on the counter with a grin. Taehyung pressed the cup close to his chest biting his lip nervously. the marker in his hand dropped on the ground but he didnt dare to go pick it up.

"m-my number?"

"yea" the raven tilted his head the boy just blinked at him flustered. Jungkook was a natural flirty but with Taehyung he enjoyed it a lot more, the boy just showed the cutest reactions. He knew the boy somehow was interested in him, there was no doubt. The writer never missed the way taehyung got nervous when he came close or smiled when he saw him enter the cafe. The writer observed The blonde barista often. "you dropped your marker:" jungkook said slowly grinning amused as he watched the boy.

"a-ah yes uhm" taehyung slowly picked it up before standing back up with a shaky hand he wrote Jungkook's name on the cup. "t-the usual?"

"Yes" jungkook replied and went to stand at the side letting the next customer come forward who was watching them while waiting.

Taehyung turned around and began making the coffee, doing his best as always. Their drink of yesterday was still on his mind. he smiled at the thought of it. Closing the hot cup with the lid he walked to Jungkook who was waiting. "Jungkook, your coffee. And another letter"

the raven looked up and put his phone away and took the letter then the coffee. he sighed looking at the paper and hid it in his pocket.

"what are those letters?" taehyung asked. it was often that someone left a note addressed for jungkook. people knew he was here everyday so it became kind of a post office by now in taehyung's eyes.

"Nothing, i will see you around cutie" Jungkook said and turned around leaving the cafe. Outside he sipped his coffee carefully not to burn himself on the hot drink. his eyes caught something on the cup. It wasnt just his name this time.

'Jeon Jungkook, +82 XX XXXX YYYY'

The writer smiled seeing the phone number on the cup. He was one step further. Jungkook's day was instantly better and he walked to his car as the smile was plastered on his face.


"That Jungkook is really a flirt, well what would you expect from such a erotic writer. damn" Seokjin said who had been watching the two silently.

"yea" taehyung said a bit distant. he was thinking of the thing he wrote on the cup. He actually put his phone number there. He hesitated at first he he should but he wanted to. Jungkook seemed like a good man, yes he had some of his comments but thats okay. Taehyung secretly liked them. He liked how flustered Jungkook made him feel. Not because he was well known or rich. But because the man was very VERY handsome and Taehyung may be also VERY interested, the man was fine in his eyes.

"Also your shift is over. go take your time off" Seokjin said as he wiped the counter from the mess he made just now.

"Yea, im leaving. what time do you finish?"

"three, so i will be back before dinner"

"ah okay! is there anything i need to buy for dinner?"

"yes, i will text you what i need thanks" Seokjin smiled. glad taehyung offered to go to the store for him.

"alright, then im leaving. good luck!" taehyung said and walked to the back to change.


"spring unions..." Taehyung mumbled as he walked through the store with the cart. after getting everything he needed he headed to the front and payed for everything. As he walked home his mind wandered off again, that Jungkook now had his number was stuck in his head all day.

what if he calls me?! Oh no i cant take that, i will pass out from panick. Taehyung thought and stared at the road. He was thinking of every reason that jungkook could have asked his number for.

"Oh Tae, stop it" he said to himself. " stop being a baby" Putting the bag down he unlocked his and Seokjin's shared house.


thank you for reading! I have such a good time writing flirty kook damn ::))

see you in the next chapter!

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