4. Unexpected guest

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You wake up at the smell of pancakes. You squint due to the brightness in your room. You see Thor sitting on the ground munching on some pancakes. How late is it? It feels like you've slept for 3 days straight. You groan and toss and turn around under the sheets.

"Good morning, little woman. I hope I didn't wake you, but I was starving."

You groan some more not being able to speak yet. You make an attempt to sit up straight and reach around for your phone. The headache from last night hasn't past yet and you realize that your voice is probably really hoarse.

When you get a hold on your phone you look at the time. 1 pm?! You slept through the whole morning?? That wasn't supposed to happen.

"Why-" you barely get out any noise. You clear your throat and try again "Why didn't you wake me?" you say with a hoarse voice.

"I thought you could use the sleep. I don't want to be rude, but you were in a very unstable state last night." says Thor with sirup in the corner of his mouth.

You walk to the bathroom to pour yourself a glass of water. You doubt if your body contains even a little bit water after your sobbing from last night.

You look in the mirror. What a mess. Your eyes are puffy and red. You grab a washcloth and you let some cold water run down on it. Softly you dab the cold washcloth on your face. A little moan slips out of your mouth.

"Nice to see that you've finished all the pancakes" you say as you walk back into the room.

"Sorry" mumbles Thor with the last bite still in his mouth.

"No worries, I like waffles better anyway." you pick up the hotel phone and call in for some waffles.

After a slow start you both are ready to go. Only you don't know where to.. It's only 2:30 pm and you don't meet up with Johnson until 5.

You've wasted the whole morning and are done with doing nothing useful. You look at Thor who is touching his moustache and making difficult faces in the mirror.

"Isn't there anything we can do till 5 pm? I'm done sitting around."

"I am sure we can come up with something, but we will just be searching in the dark. The only consist information we can get will be the records that Johnson will be able to get his hands on."

"I guess so, but I'm not spending one more minute in this room. Isn't there something on Earth that you would like to try?"

Thor thinks for a moment on comes up with a few ideas. You grab your caps and sunglasses and head into the city.

After spending your afternoon at the carnival it's time to get serious again. Exactly 1 minute for 5 you knock on Johnson's door. No reaction. You knock harder and shout through the door "Hey Johnson you there?" When still no one opens, you decide to kick the door in. You like this new move of yours.

You're shocked when you see what's behind the door. Everything is empty expect for 1 chair in the middle room. A man is seated in it.

"Hi Y/n, hi Thor." says the man firm.

At first you're about to get angry, but this whole stupid scene makes you laugh.

"Isn't this a bit dramatic, Steve?" you say condescending.

"Already making a joke out of this Y/n? Tell me what you're doing here and why you're searching for alien weapons." says Steve not amused by your reaction.

Just now you notice the files in Steve's hand. Are that the records? Did Johnson actually find something?

"Hand those over Rogers. We'll be back at Asgard before you know it" you say serious.

He holds on tighter to the files.

"We are serious Cap, hand them over. This has nothing to do with you or the avengers." says Thor firm.

"Doesn't it? Then why did you approach an old Shield agent." says Steve.

"We don't owe you any answers, Steve. Give us the damn files or we will have to fight you." you say with no hesitation.

"Actually you do Y/n. Thor said that he'd keep you on Asgard and now you're back on earth."

"O what do you think I'm gonna do Steve? Seriously don't act like I'm some kind of villain. And Thor is here with me, what can happen huh?"

"I don't know, all I now is that we made a deal. And now you're back and looking for some sketchy business. Has this something to do with Loki?" Steve tries to read your face. But you don't give anything away. "Is he still alive?"

"Steve cut the crap. How many times are you going to ask that stupid hurtful question? You wanna now why I'm searching for them? Huh?" you say agitated.

He keeps staring at you with a slight frown on his face.

"We went to them, that time I let Loki leave the building, he and I went to an illegal weapon store. And it was fun, it was fucking fun. We fought them and only after a few days I realized my bracelet was gone, the one that belonged to my sister. Loki and I would go get it back after the mission, but.. well you know what happened next." you've become an excellent liar, especially towards Steve.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, I know how much that bracelet means to you. Me and the avengers will help you search for it, then you can go back to Asgard again." says Steve empathetic.

You scoff as you look in his pitiful eyes. "As if I want your help. What so you can monitor me again? No thanks. Thor and I will do this ourselves. And I promise you, we'll go back to Asgard as soon as we find it. I have no desire to stay here." you say with a cold look on your face.

You walk over to him, look him right in the eyes and grab the files out of his hand.

"Don't you want to know how I got a hold on these?" says Steve trying to intrigue you.

"No I don't. Good day Rogers. See you when they float my body to earth." You slam the door shut.

Thor blows out a rig of air. "You can be really cold if you want to huh?"

You give Thor your most fake smiles and innocent look. You both chuckle out of relieve.

"Hopefully he believes it" says Thor.

"And if he doesn't, more trouble for him. I'm not afraid to fight him if it means we can keep Loki out of their hands."

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