5. Playing games

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You feel a soft trace sliding over your arm. You're lying in bed, dozed off after reading every page in those files. A warm breath tingles in your neck.

"Missed me darling?" A soft voice whispers in your ear.

You grunt and moan a little.

The tingly touch goes slowly up and down your arm. Sometimes it stops and traces circles on a particular parts of your arm. The tingles travel through you're whole body from the point where the fingertip touches your soft skin.

The soothing feeling calms down your mind and body. You let out a deep breath.

A warm lower lip touches your earlobe, you feel it slighting up slowly.

"You like my touch?" The words tickle in your ear. 

You would recognize this soothing voice anywhere, even in the noisiest crowd.

You let the familiar stranger touch you a little longer, let him whisper sweet words in year ear. 

"I know this is a dream" you sigh out.

"Is it?" he says, moving his hand under covers now sliding his gentle touch over your thigh.

"Yes" you whisper almost out of breath.

"It feels rather real don't you think?"

His hand moves to the insight of your leg. You stop breathing for a second.

"You would never be so gentle" you whisper, trying to hold in your moans.

"Hmm you're clearly wrong darling. Don't you see that I'm teasing you."

You haven't gotten one kiss. One real touch. Only soft tingly traces.

"Every touch I can get from you, even the lightest, is a blessing" you say.

"You are really longing for me, aren't you?"

"You're right here, right?" you say teasingly.

"I am, darling. Just turn around."

His warm breath in your neck, his voice tickling in your ear, his seducing words, you want to give in.

Slowly you turn around. When you're almost turned on your other side, you feel your eyes spread open. A shake goes through your body. You have woken up...

These goddamn dreams are the worst. You feel comfortable, at full peace at first. But then, the end starts coming closer. And when you wake up, the whole illusion is gone. The worst part is, you now it's fake, you know it's just a lucid dream. But lucid dreams are deceitful, they trap you and make you fall for it for the hundredth time.

"Fuck this" you whisper defeated.

You look at the time. 4:08 am.

You turn on the lights and look at your mess of a room. Papers everywhere, pictures of shady men and notes written by you and Thor.

You take them into your hand for the twentieth time. One good lead. Two possible leads. And two dead ends. Could have been worst.

You grab a blanc sheet and start over. You read every page again. Not one clue can slip your mind. You start writing, you grab some papers lie them out and start writing again. You pace through your room, drink some water and sit down again to write. You keep writing and drawing and make up a whole plan.

After awhile you feel your eyes closing, but you can't sleep yet, you have to finish it. So you keep going.

A deep voice pulls you out of your sleep. "Y/n wake up, y/n!"

You groan and move your body around. You sigh deeply and open your eyes slowly.

"My God, I thought you were dead. Do you know how many times I tried to wake you." says Thor relieved.

"I must have been in a deep sleep." you say as you rub your eyes.

When you try to sit up, a piece of paper is stuck on your cheek. You look at it and the whole night comes back.

"O uhh and I made a plan" you say. "But I don't know if it is any good, because I wrote it at 4 am..."

"No wonder I wasn't able to wake you up. Everything okay?" His tone of voice changes as he speaks out the last sentence.

"I'm fine really, I just woke up from a dream and didn't want to go to sleep yet. You've gotta stop worrying about me, I'm doing fine, promise."

Thor looks you up and down and nods "Alright then, show me that plan of yours."

You and Thor study the scribbled notes and drawings, even though most of them didn't quite make sense it led to a new improved plan. It all starts with you tracing down the first guy and hopefully he will help without much struggle.

You decide to go to a club that he, according to the files, visits often.

A hoodie and sweatpants aren't really fitting for this scene, so you and Thor are planning on going to the mall first, to get a new outfit.

If you're honest, you quite like wearing the clothes you have now. They are comfy and you don't need to wear a bra if you don't feel like it. But maybe it's good to dress up once in a while.

You look in the mirror on the wall of the fitting room. You look like shit, literal shit. You look pale and almost sick. This color makes it even worse. After 3 dresses you're done, you hated all of them. It has always been like this, you feel ugly in a dress, but sometimes you find one that makes you feel pretty and ladylike in a good way. Today is not that day. You put your own clothes back on and walk out of the fitting room.

"Can we please go shopping for you first." you say defeated to Thor.

"Didn't you like any of those dresses?"

"No they look ridiculous on me, let's just go alright." You hang the dresses back on a rack and walk out the store as fast as possible.

Thor absolutely looks fantastic in this dark blue suit. He shaved his mustache off and his beard is growing back a little. He's totally rocking this look with his man bun.

"You look amazing, damn Thor. This human look is really growing on you."

Thor checks himself out in the mirror, he seems really happy with himself. He tries to flex his muscles but notices that the suit will tear if he goes any further.

"It's a bit tight, but it will do" he says smug.

You chuckle and give him a little push. "You know what, you've inspired me with how you're killing this look. I think I know what I'm going to wear."

"I'm intrigued, what will it be little woman?" he says with a big grin on his face.

"Wait and see. Meet me back at the other store after you've payed."

You rush back to the women's store and start walking around grabbing different things.

You try on different sets, until you find a satisfying look.

"Everything going alright in there?" asks Thor who apparently has arrived.

"Yes yes, just a second" you smile satisfied in the mirror.

You step out of the fitting room and strike some poses. You don't know if Thor is going to like it, because it might not be 'traditional' for where he is from.

You show him you're light blue suit with a bralette underneath. With some pretty jewelry and some light make up on your face you'll actually might find yourself looking good tonight. All this bad sleeping hasn't been great on your looks and your self perception. 

"Wow Y/n, you look wow..." the God is tripping over his words.

"Glad you like it" you joke back.


Sorry that it took so long to post a new chapter, had some motivation problems haha. So I'll give you two new ones :) <3

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