1. Little woman

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Hey reader!! This is actually the second part to my Loki x Reader story, so I highly suggest to read 'Favorite crime (Loki x Reader)' first, otherwise this story will make no sense haha. If you've already read the first one, enjoy and hopefully you like this one as well :) <3

It feels like your whole life has changed. Like the person you were a couple of weeks ago, is from another life time. You and Thor have gone to Asgard, to prepare for the search for Loki. It is quite comforting, because you both feel the same way about him. You both hate him for the things he did, but love him like no other person. Love is a big word maybe, a deep connection, that's a better way to describe it. But you know that Thor loves his brother. He has told a lot of stories about them, from when they were younger. But also about the last few years. You knew some parts, from what the avengers had told you. However, if you hear the whole story, you understand the broken look behind his eyes. You don't want to justify his actions, you just understand that it comes from a place of pain.

You and Thor hit it off too. You thought it might be difficult to trust someone again, considering you saw the avengers as your friends. But you truly consider Thor a one. Same goes for Natasha. Many times you've thought back to that moment that she helped you escape. Which you're so thankful for and you are kind of sad that you can't take her along on this journey.

You've just taken a soothing bath to clear your mind. You're drying yourself off, thinking about all the things you need to grab for your journey back to earth. You look around the bathroom. It is really really big and everything looks expensive as it is covered in gold. You've been a guest for a few days, but never got used to walk around in this massive castle.
You put on some clothes and collect your stuff. Thor is waiting for you in the throne room.

"Heimdall is waiting for us. Are you ready little woman?"

He has given you this nickname and sticks to it, barely ever calling you by your real name. You have to admit that you do look very very small next to him.  

"Yes I have everything I need" you say with barely anything in your hands.

You feel kind of excited. You have faith that you'll find him. Almost every night he appears in your dreams. Those lucid dreams have made you more convinced that his visit was real. It is hard to explain, but it felt the same as those lucid dreams. But something in the similarity of the feeling, makes you believe that it was different. You know you weren't sleeping, so it couldn't have been a lucid dream. And a hallucination probably feels different from a lucid dream.
You can make up tons more of theories, but you'll never be sure until you look in his eyes again and touch his familiar skin.

Apparently you got lost in your own thoughts, because Thor is waving his hand in front of your eyes

"Hello little woman, everything alright?"

"Hm, yeah yeah, I'm sorry I just got caught up in my own thoughts" you say a little fuzzy. 

"You're a curious little Midgardian, now hold on tight"

That last remark brings you back into the situation and you're confused for a moment. Then Thor grabs your waist and lets Mjölnir slur your bodies to the Bifrost.

Heimdall is ready for you and wishes you good luck on your journey.

You're all shaken up when you reach earth. Thor is standing next to you, looking totally fine. You scan his outfit and raise your eyebrow

"Maybe lose the whole 'I am a God, wearing a cape and holding a big hammer' look..."

Thor looks up and down his body
"What? You don't like my outfit?"

You role your eyes. You look around to see if you recognize the place. Everywhere around you is grass, no city near.

"Where the hell did Heimdall drop us, we're in the middle of nowhere" you say agitated and impatient.

"Calm down little woman, we're just outside the city where you saw Loki last."

You look at the God of thunder who is now wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. You chuckle at the sight. It looks weird on him.

"Are you laughing at me human?" he says offended.

"I'm sorry, I just have to get used to your new look" you say with a little chuckle in your voice.
"Lets start walking then."

Thor flips his hammer and grins.
"Why walk if we have my friend over here?"

"No hammer alright? We don't want to draw any attention. If the avengers get to know we're here, they'll know something is up with the whole Loki situation. So from now on, you just have to act human."

Thor sighs and starts walking in a direction that apparently will lead you to the city.


You and Thor have rented two hotel rooms in the city which connect with a door in the middle. You've installed yourself and are lying on the bed, drowning in your thoughts again.

A door slamming shut snaps you out of it.

"Let's make a plan for tomorrow then" Thor says as he enters your room.

The look in his eyes gives away that he has been overthinking in his own room too.

"Let me order some room service, then we'll start and go to bed after."

You pick up the phone in your room and order two cheeseburgers. You almost drool at the thought of taking a big bite of out of a warm burger.

You two are munching on the burgers and exchanging thoughts. You've had this conversation a million times before on Asgard. You both try to sound like you know what you're talking about. But truly, you're completely in the dark. Loki could be anywhere.

To not wander around pointlessly, you two have decide that the first thing you need to do tomorrow is finding out if anyone has seen anything suspicious.

You're both wrecked from all the thinking and debating. Thor leaves to his own room and you fall down on your bed. Before you fall asleep you whisper softly

"Loki I am here, I'm back on earth. Please come and find me. Thor and I are both on your side. I just want to see you again, you owe me..."

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