15. Final goodbyes

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Once you're in your room, you realize that this is it. These are your last moments as an avenger, last moments on earth. You start to pack some stuff you want to take along to Asgard.

After quite some time you join the others again. With bagage and all your barge in. The three men look up.

"Are we leaving?" Thor asks.

You shrug your shoulders. "I guess it's time." You feel weird, almost nostalgic. You're going to miss this place.

"Y/n," Steve stands up and walks over to you, "I know we've sentenced you, but after all this, I don't think anyone would mind you staying. Please stay, we need you on the team."

You look over at Loki. He seems almost nervous waiting for your answer, or are you just imagining it? 

"Steve, I'm really going to miss you and the rest of the team. However, I think I'm gonna go with Thor. And you know, whenever he comes back to help you guys, I will too, gladly." You don't know if you actually want to stay on Asgard. But for now, you're going to try living there. Maybe it's stupid to go after the man who abandoned you, but you're too curious to see what will happen.

Steve wraps you in his arms. "You're welcome any time." he whispers in your ear.

"Tell the rest goodbye for me. And could you give Nat a hug for me?" you say back.

"Of course."

You both hug a little tighter. A little cough breaks the moment. You bring your eyes up to Loki, who seems a bit bothered. You try to hide your smile.

You let go of Steve and give him a quick peck on the cheek. "So long my friend."

Thor gives Steve a rough pet on the shoulder and they say their goodbyes. You walk over to Loki and go stand very close next to him.

"Or should I stay?" you tease. Secretly, a little nervous for his answer.

He gives you a quick look. "I think Thor would be very pleased by your presence."

You chuckle, "I think so too, he needs all the help he can get, keeping an eye on you."

"Should be easy for you" he says almost like a whisper, sending chills down your spine, "you can't keep your eyes off of me."

You look up at him, catching him staring down at you. You've made the right choice, going to Asgard.

"Heimdall, we're ready for you!" Thor yells to nothing.

"Bye Y/n." Steve gives you a little smile, trying to hide his sadness.

"Bye Captain." you solute him. 

You feel the intense rush of Bifrost and leave earth behind, excited for the new life that's awaiting you.

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