3. Double trouble

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Some guy who used to work for shield owed you a favor. Now it's time to cash it in. You and Thor went to his apartment just outside of town.

"I owe you a lot Y/n, so what ever it is I will take care of it." says Johnson.

"This might sound weird, but the avengers can't know that I'm back on earth alright? That is the most important thing here. I'm sorry I can't tell you more. But all we need to know is if there is someone arrested or suspected for buying alien weapons. And if there are people, we would like all their records. I know it's a lot to ask..."

"It's fine really. Give me a day alright? Meet me back here tomorrow at 5 pm. If I haven't found anything by then... well then I can't be any help to you."

"Thank you sir Johnson" says Thor polite.

Johnson gives Thor a weird look. He probably still hasn't got used to the fact that we're not the only planet with living beings on it.

"Truly Johnson, it will be a great help. See you tomorrow" you say as you leave his apartment.

"So why does this man owe you?" asks Thor curious.

"Long story" you say short.

"Well we have the rest of the day to kill, so why don't you inform me on it."

You sigh and look up to the God who is practically begging you with his eyes to tell the story.

"Alright alright" you say slightly annoyed.

You tell him about the time Johnson fucked up badly and you came to save him. But it wasn't just him, in the process more than 30 civilians got in danger. Once you defused the situation Johnson begged you not to tell anyone. You've kept his secret all these years. We all fuck up, you know that now more than ever, you didn't see the point in ratting him out. You know he learned his lesson and he has been a better man since.

"So you really are a hero huh?" says Thor intrigued by your story.

"I was maybe, but I pretty much fucked it up, don't you think?"

"Don't worry little woman. We all 'fuck up' or however you want to call it. I've told you about the time I tried to attack Jothunheim. That wasn't a hero move, however, I am still worthy of my hammer. One action doesn't define a person."

"When did you become so wise?" you joke back.

Thor laughs entertained and gives you a slap on the shoulders. Not realizing his own strength, he almost pushes you on the ground. Which makes him even laugh harder.

"Can I try it?"

"Try what little woman?" he asks confused.

"To lift up your hammer." you say serious.

"Don't make me laugh again" chuckles Thor.

"Come on, I just want to try it."

"Alright then. But don't be disappointed if you are not able to."

"I won't."

Thor puts his hammer on the ground. You give it a difficult look. You grab onto it and stabilize yourself. You frown and pull on it with all your strength. Come on, you think as you give it another pull. You need this today, just lift the stupid hammer.

You groan loudly as you give it one last try.

"Damn it." you say as you let go of the hammer.

Thor chuckles when he sees that you are actually disappointed. His suppressed smile makes you laugh.

"I really thought that I was as worthy as a God for a moment" you say as you laugh embarrassed.

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