2. Deja vu

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You wake up with a heavy head. You haven't slept this deep in days. You look at the time, it's only 6:40. You don't think Thor is up yet, so you take a long shower.

You're ready for the day as you walk out of the bathroom clean and clothed. You decide to knock on the door which is connecting your rooms.

You hear a big grunt, some stumbling and then the door opens.

A big God stands in front of you with a sleepy face and bed hair. You chuckle as Thor tries to keep his eyes open.

"Take a shower big boy, we'll be getting breakfast in 15 minutes."

He grunts again and slams the door in your face. You wait a moment and then you hear the shower running. Good.

You grab your leather little case and zip it open. Both sides are filled with all kind of knives. It's weird to say, but you miss your old ones, the ones you had to leave behind at the avenger tower. Don't get it wrong, you love these new ones, they're from Asgard and have a nice throw to them. However, they don't feel like yours, more like you are borrowing them. But that's not the case, they're yours now.

You pick out a couple of blades and shove them in different knives pockets on your body. You don't expect a fight or something, but just as reinsurance.

After 20 minutes Thor still hasn't come to your room. You knock on the shared door again

"Hey God of laziness, hurry up man, I wanna go. I'm starvinggg" you shout whiny. "What is taking you so goddamn long?"

"Alright alright" you hear Thor mumbling from the other side.

He opens the door and you try to hold your laugh.

"At least now I know why it was taking you so long" you say with a grin. You look at the God's blown out hair. Who would have thought that a God could be so obsessed with his looks.

Thor smiles proudly as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Alright pretty boy, it's time to go. I know a delicious bakery down the street."

You and Thor have gotten croissants on your demand.

"They are indeed delicious" says Thor as he takes a bite out of his third one. "But now serious business, what is the first place where we're going to ask about Loki?" he asks with his mouth full. Outside of the castles he has seem to lose his manners.

"He and I went to this illegal weapon store, maybe he went back to get some more. It was quite good equipment."

You think back to that day. It was one of the first moments you really got along and saw him in a different light.

You look up to Thor who has a concerned look on his face.

"Y/n" him calling you by your real name takes you by surprise and you feel like you're not going to like what's coming next. "Loki is very smart and not to forget the God of mischief, however, I don't want you to forget that there is a chance that he isn't alive. We might be searching for someone who is long gone. I don't want you to go through all that grieve again. But like I said, Loki very resourceful, he might have gotten out alive."

How childish it might have been, you would have loved to put your fingers in your ears during this statement. You don't need this negativity. If you give up on him, it's over either way.

"I'm serious Y/n, I don't want to see you break down if this mission leads to nothing. I love my brother and I will search all 9 realms for him. However, I'm not going to break you along the way. So tell me that you know that he is possibly dead."

Those last words felt like a cut. Does he have to be such a prick about it? What if you want to believe that he is for sure walking around here, somewhere? Why would you search for some you believe isn't here anymore. But to shut Thor up you tell him what he wants to hear

"Yes I know Thor, I know"

"Know what? Say it y/n" he says not convinced by your words.

You take a deep breath and try to sound as sincere as possible
"I know he might be dead, Thor, truly I do."

"Good. Now lead the way Little woman. Up to this weapon store you're talking about."

You look up at the big God besides you, he has put his hand on your shoulder. You hate the fact that it is indeed consoling you. Even though you don't want his pity.

As you reach the familiar ally you once walked through with Loki you get this weird feeling. Everything seems fuzzy, you try to suppress the tears that are coming up. Why are you so damn emotional? It's just bricks and a shitty building.

You knock at the door. In your head you hear Loki's voice 'It's not smart to keep the God of mischief waiting' You can feel his hand on your chest again as he pushes you aside. The way he called you darling. And then the almost comic way he kicked in the door. A smile forms on your face as a tear rolls down your cheek.

"Hey you alright?" asks Thor as he lays his hand on your shoulder again.

"Yes" you say as you wipe off his hand "stand back."

Thor goes out of the way and you take a few steps back. You take a run up and kick down the door. A rush of adrenaline goes through your body as you breath excited. You look back at Loki with a smile on your face. Only to realize that it is his blonde brother standing behind you.

"Ladies first" you say as you gesture that Thor should enter.

He raises his eyebrow, but goes along with it anyway.

You've reached the basement and still you've had no encounters yet so far. You see the big doors which the last time let to the armory. You open them with a kick.

The place is empty.

No soul and no weapon to be found.

"Fuck!" you yell. You kick an innocent chair that is standing in the middle of the room. It hits the ground with a loud bang.

"Calm down little woman"

"Don't call me that, do you know how fucking condescending that is?" you yell in anger.

"I know it is a set back, but don't throw a tentrum about it. This is only the first place we've looked."

"Yes and the only fucking place I actually had fate in. I have no damn clue where to look now." you say as you sit down on the ground. Giving the tumbled chair another kick.

"Look I'm sorry. I shouldn't take my anger out on you. I know it's just a nickname, I don't find it condescending" you say embarrassed by your little outburst.

"It's alright, just get up off that floor and let's figure out where these people might have gone."

You sigh and get up. You start to think. You don't have to find these people. You just have to find someone who can lead you towards them.

"We should ask someone where we can buy weapons from outer space. We just have to find someone with a bad record who might actually know the people who sell them."

"Ha see, no hope is lost. We just have to be smart and resourceful" says Thor proud.

"Like Loki" slips out of your mouth.

"Like Loki" says Thor with a soothing voice.

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