Chapter 7

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Author's Pov
"Sorry mina I didn't mean to happened,sorry if I didn't response last night" jeongyeon mumbled

"Its alright,Jeong I understand but don't do it again" mina stated

"Thanks mina,are you thirsty do you want to drink coffee or something? my treat" jeongyeon mumbled and smile to the latter

"Why not?okay let's go haha,I want some coffee or tea" mina said and show her gummy smile

They intertwined their hands while walking to their destination

They already arrived in the cafe,they enter in the cafe,mina linked her arms to jeongyeon

Jeongyeon noticed that the girl sitting beside the next table is kinda familiar

"What's your order ma'am?" The waitress mumbled and give the menu  to jeongyeon

"Just one ice coffee" mina mumbled and take a glare to jeongyeon

"How about you?" Mina added

"Just same,just give us two ice coffee please" jeongyeon mumbled and handed back the menu
"Hahahaha,you're still a joker jisoo haha" nayeon laugh and caught the other costumers attention

"Nayeon! Nayeon!" Jisoo said while nudging Nayeon's shoulder

"What!?" Nayeon mumbled in a frown look

"I-t's t-hat Jeongyeon?" Jisoo stuttered while pointing jeongyeon

"Oh my! Why she's doing here" nayeon mumbled

"And who's with her?" Jisoo uttered

"It's mina" nayeon mumbled and rolled her eyes

"Oh she's mina,she's beautiful right?,but you're more beautiful than her" jisoo said and laugh

"Tssk, are you really my friend?" Nayeon smirk and chew her cake

"I told you,you're more beautiful than here haha" jisoo mumbled and laugh

"Duhh whatever haha,I already know since I'm fetus haha" nayeon mumbled

They laugh,they don't care about the other costumers reaction on her loud voices
Jeongyeon glared to the two girls laughing,jeongyeon didn't know what she feel when she notice it was nayeon and jisoo together, she feel jealous

"Are you okay?" Mina asked and hold jeongyeon's hand

"Yeah" jeongyeon said and smile

"Common mina,let's go I'm gonna met sana later" jeongyeon stated

"Oh okay" mina mumbled and stood up
"Oh hey Jeong!" Sana yelled and waved her hand

"Oh sana" jeongyeon mumbled and waved back

Jeongyeon continue walked towards sana and sat beside the latter

"What's the matter,Jeong why you call me?" Sana uttered

"Ahm sana,it is normal that you feel jealous even tho you we're just friends?" Jeongyeon mumbled

"I don't know but maybe isn't because if you jealous for no reasons maybe you have a feelings or something" sana stated

"Sana can I ask ,what is love?" Jeongyeon mumbled while playing her fingers

"You can find love to your family,friends and someone you beloved,if you feel happy,comfort and safe that's the family love,if you feel happy,enjoy and also comfort that's a friends love and last if you feel happy,enjoy,excitement,love,shy or something it means your in love-

The feeling that your safe with her,you always want to hear her/his voices,you always want to see her/his smile and face, you want to spend your time with her and the feeling that you're easily get jealous if you see her/his with someone that's what love is" sana stated and glare to jeongyeon

"Why do you ask?" Sana added

"Sana I trust you don't tell it to everyone its a secret,to be honest I only love mina as a friend, I court her because I thought I'm gonna be happy and someone will love me and beside mina help me to love my self " jeongyeon said and bow her head

"I'll try but I can't promise,I don't want to broke a promise because its hurt,but you don't need a girlfriend or boyfriend to love you were here Jeong were friends right" sana mumbled and tap jeongyeon's shoulder

"So?Jeong you mean there's another girl or boy you loved?" Sana added and pinch jeongyeon's cheek

"Haha yeah" jeongyeon mumbled

"But how's mina?we didn't know how she feel but its better to tell her what's your real feeling to her" sana stated

"Yeah maybe on the right time I'll tell her" jeongyeon mumbled

"How's you and tzuyu?by the way congrats sana" jeongyeon mumbled to change the topic

"Were fine and I'm happy,by the way thanks" sana mumbled

The place full of laughter and they do a lot of chitchats
Chapter 7 is done,thanks for reading and don't forget to vote

stay tune for the next and coming chapters,love y'all and stay safe ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑,⌯' ▾ '⌯

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