Chapter 27

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We arrive at the hospital and Ben's parents are waiting outside for us. We park the car and head over to them.

"Hi Grandma and Grandpa" Rowan and Auggie both say.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Savage" I say.

"Hi guys" Ben's dad says.

"Hi kids" Ben's mom says.

"Have you seen mom yet?" Auggie asks.

"Not yet. We were waiting for you guys" Ben's mom says.

"Let's go see her" Auggie says and starts rushing into the hospital.

"Someone is eager" Ben's dad says.

"He's very very excited" Rowan says.

We all check into the hospital and get our guest passes and then go into the elevator. Auggie was very excited about his visitors pass. Rowan texted her dad saying we were here and he is going to meet us in the elevator area. The elevator opens and Ben was standing there.

"Hi dad" Auggie says and gives him a hug. We all proceed to basically do the same thing.

"Ok so I don't really have any updates but Danielle is doing good and so is the baby" He says.

"Wait the baby was already born?" Auggie asks.

"No not yet. The doctors are monitoring him though and he is good" He says.

We start heading over to the front desk and they take all of our temperatures down give us a wrist band for easy access in and out. We then start heading to my moms room.

"Hi mom" I say when we walk in and then everyone else greets her.

"How are you holding up?" Ben's mom asks.

"I'm doing pretty good. The pain level with sabrina was worse" She says.

"How long until we get to meet him?" Auggie asks.

"The doctor said about 6 hours" My mom asks.

"That is going to be so long" Auggie says and plops himself into a chair. "He needs to hurry up" He continues.

"I know buddy it's going to be a while" Ben says and sits next to him.

Ben's parents sit in the two other chairs they had in the room and Rowan and I stayed standing.

The grown ups talked for a bit. Auggie sat on Ben's phone playing a game.

"Hey Sabrina would you be able to run a few errands for me?" My mom asks me. I guess she felt bad that we didn't have a place to sit.

"Yeah what do you need?" I ask.

"Could you grab the hospital bag from home and also Auggie's iPad?" She asks.

"Yeah for sure" I say and get up.

"Can I come?" Rowan asks.

"Yeah let's go" I say and we leave.

*  *  *

So night comes and mom still hasn't had the baby. They don't expect her to have him until tomorrow morning. Well I guess this morning since it is already 3am. Ben is staying at the hospital overnight so Auggie, Rowan and I are home alone.

Rowan and I have been laying in our beds for a while now on our phones. Auggie went to sleep hours ago.

"Sabrina?" Rowan says and sits up.

"What's up" I say.

"Can I come lay with you?" She asks.

"Come here." I say and lift my blanket up so she can lay down with me. I snuggle in closer to her.

"I love you" I say to her.

"I love you more." She says back. She gives me a little kiss on the cheek and we both fall asleep.

Baby Brother {Final part to the Step Sisters Trilogy} (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now