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Saint placed a hand on his hip when Modem opened the door, raising his eyebrow at her messy appearance.

"Don't tell me that you're having sex in here."

"Of course not," Modem snapped, fixing her wild hair. "Some friends and I are playing Just Dance."

"What friends?" Saint asked, scrunching his eyebrows. "Not to be rude or anything, but you're a bitch. Where did you make friends?"

Modem rolled her eyes, letting Saint in the door. "Nice to see you, Saint. I like your shorts."

Saint smiled proudly, turning to show off his bum in the denim. "Aren't they cute?"

"Where's your fuck buddy?" Modem asked, leading Saint into the living room.

"He's not my fuck buddy anymore. I think he's gonna ask me to be his, Modem!" Saint gasped eyeing the group in front of him.

The three boys from the mall were on the couch, watching three other girls play Just Dance.

"Hey, Twinkie," the rude boy from the mall said with a wink.

"Um, that's Mikey," Modem said awkwardly. "And Thara. Mean. And their friends Sarah, Chompoo, and Jade." Everyone waved at Saint, who stared back in surprise.

"Yeah, I work at the club with Saint" the 'Mean' guy said and Saint raised his eyebrows before it dawned on him the guy who looked like a real man from the auditions. Saint had been so distracted that he didn't notice who the boy was.

"You're gay?" Was the first thing Saint said, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah," Mean chuckled. "I have a thing for the Rathavit guy, actually." Saint rolled his eyes because duh, Plan was attractive. "Perth isn't too bad, either."

Saint shot Modem a glare and she shrugged her tiny shoulders. "Perth is pretty sexy."

"I wish you all wouldn't mentally fuck my potential boyfriend in front of me," Saint snapped.

"He's only potentially your boyfriend, therefore he isn't," Mickey said, smirking at Saint, who balled his fists up.

"Perth will be my boyfriend soon, we're just working through some stuff. As if it's your business you-"

"Okay, Saint could insult for days, so let's skip this part," Modem said with a wave of her hands. "Why don't you play Just Dance, Saint? You kill at this game."

Saint shrugged, plopping into the love seat, wishing he hadn't came over and vowing to never show up unannounced ever again here.


Two torturous hours of Just Dance and The Hunger Games has Saint gasping for air- a.k.a. Perth Tanapon. Sadly, Perth worked a different shift than Saint today. Saint would be arriving to the club an hour after Perth got off.

Hey. -Son

Saint didn't know if Perth would respond, but maybe the boy could spare Saint an hour of attention right after his shift since Saint had to be there soon after.

It was exactly twelve minutes of Saint staring to his phone before read 8.12 p.m. and the typing bubble appeared.

Hey, babe. Bored without me? xP

Saint smiled, immediately responding.

Modem has some bitch friends over and I'm mentally killing myself but I have nothing else to do. -Son

This time, Perth's response was immediate.

Sorry... Maybe we can hang out a bit before your shift? Make out in my car or something? (; xP

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