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Saint stayed surprisingly silent as Perth dragged him out of the alley and to his car.

"Get in," Perth ordered, shoving the poor lad into the passenger's seat before walking to the other side and getting in.

Saint fidgeted with his fingers, watching anxiously as Perth started the car and zipped off. The younger man let his eyes occasionally drop to Saint before focusing on his driving.

"Did you really sleep with him?" Perth hissed, his voice catching in his throat.

"Yes," Saint whispered. "After Bas told me about him loving you... And how you didn't love him back."

Perth's face grew red. He was so angry. "Bas is cunning and manipulative, but mainly he's obsessive. He practically stalks me, Saint. Bas was playing it off to you and you... You had sex with someone else!" Perth rambled angrily.

"We don't have any rules established. How was I supposed to know I couldn't sleep with anyone else?" Saint snapped, pissing Perth off.

He was already in trouble. Did he not understand that?

"It's a natural thing. You have a fuck buddy now- you should know not to fuck anyone else."

"So you don't sleep with other people while you have a fuck buddy?"

Perth bottom lip twitched, as if he had a secret he so badly wanted to share. There was a secret trapped between his pink lips, but it wasn't coming out anytime soon. Instead, he kept his mouth closed and pulled into Saint's apartment lot.

"Get out, go upstairs, and be naked on the bed when I get there. I need a smoke," Perth ordered, already pulling out his cigarette pack.

Saint scuttled out the car and into the building. Perth sighed, bringing the fag between his lips and using a match to light it.

Perth was one of those 'emergency smokers'. Due to his job, he couldn't smoke all of the time or his breath would be short. Perth was amazed he managed to get by now.

A slowly smoked the cigarette, letting Saint (im)patiently wait for him.

After finishing his smoke, Perth turned off the engine and got out, makin his way into the nice apartment building and up to Saint's floor.

The apartment was peculiarly silent, but Perth understood this. He wanted silence. After breathing in the scent of pine and women's perfume, Perth immediately walked back to where he knew Saint would be.

The boy was naked on the bed, sitting criss-cross with his dainty hands in his lap and his head down. As soon as Perth entered the room, Saint looked up. Perth unbuttoned his shirt as he watched Saint.

This was gonna be fun.

"I'm not going to punish you too bad, Saint," Perth spoke, surprising Saint.

"Y-You aren't?"

"No, I might not let you come when you'd like to, but that's the furthest I'll take it- this time. I'm going to take the time to show them you're mine."

Saint visibly shivered.

Once Perth was topless, he crawled into the bed in front of Saint, slowly pushing the older boy back and crawling over him, trailing kisses along his jaw. Saint twitched below Perth, causing the younger to smirk.

He affected Saint so well.

"Do you like that, baby?" Perth whispered and his kissed the junction under Saint's jaw.

"Your lips," Saint whimpered, hissing when Perth bit down rather harshly. Then, out of pure understanding, he ran his tongue over the reddening skin. "I can't have marks at work!" Saint said suddenly, blinking up at Perth.

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