Chapter 1

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September 5, 2011

If there was one thing Amelia hated, it was being human in a supernatural world.

Not that she was human, but she might as well be.

Until recently, Amelia had been convinced that she was entirely mortal and powerless. Leave it to one of the Originals to reveal that this, in fact, was not true.

A car honking outside startled her for a moment. With a quick glance down to ensure she'd packed everything, she zipped her suitcase up, and pulled it off of her bed, setting it beside a smaller bag that had school supplies and a few other essentials. Everything else could be repurchased in Whitmore.

"Caroline and her mom are here," announced Matt, coming in from the kitchen. "So, what do you want me to tell Brody?"

"I emailed him a very dumbed down explanation of why I'm not working at the Mystic Grill until next summer," she told him, yanking the suitcase into the hallway. "He should have gotten the message, but he'll need to be reminded for the first few days. I hope he hires another waitress in the meantime, or he'll have you waiting tables."

She watched Matt leaning into the doorway, observing her. "You sure I can't change your mind about coming to college with us?" she inquired. "Caroline waived any tuition fees in my name. She can do the same for you. Tyler will be arriving either today or tomorrow."

Matt shook his head. "You go, I'll be okay here. I don't even know what I'd like to study."

"How about Sex Ed?" she teased, winking at him. "You and Rebekah had a lot of fun this summer."

"Hey, the threesome thing is supposed to be a secret. Damon will never leave me alone if he finds out that I slept with Rebekah and another girl at the same time."

"Your secret is safe with me." She pulled him into a hug before he could get to the main entrance to open the door for her. "Don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone. I'm not here to zap any supernaturals that try to mess with us, anymore."

He frowned slightly. "Amy, are you sure you're going to be okay? After what happened with Kol... listen, I didn't like the guy, but he meant something to you, and... he's gone now."

Amelia nodded quickly. "Yeah, I'll be okay. This is what he wanted for me, you know? To make something of myself so that I can be successful on my own and show my family... when I meet them... that they made a mistake in giving me away. I can't afford to go to New Orleans yet. I just need... a year of studying and working to get the money. By this time next year, you and I can take a trip so you can see Rebekah again, and I can meet... my aunts and my cousin. I'll be fine."

"You could just accept the money Damon offered."

"Just because he considers me a sister doesn't mean I'll let him turn me into a charity case. I want to earn the money on my own. What good am I if I let my two sort-of brothers spoil me all the time? You and Vicki let me live in this house rent free for the past two years. The only thing you've allowed me to pay for is your truck's monthly fees. I need to become fully independent, even if it means delaying that trip."

Matt pulled back to open the door, revealing that Caroline had opened the trunk of her mother's car to make space for Amelia's things, while Liz Forbes herself rearranged stuff in the back seat so that Amelia, and later Elena, would fit comfortably. "When Bonnie gets there," he said, "try and learn more magic. I know you were learning from Kol, but she knows her stuff, and even if you can't do magic all the time, it'll help you."

Amelia half-smiled. "Yeah, sure. I will."

But she wouldn't. She and Jeremy were the only ones who knew that Bonnie was dead, and would not be joining them in college.

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