U.S.J. Arc: Chapter 12

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"Well, that's over." Izuku commented.

"We should think about our next move." Tsuyu said, looking over at Izuku.

"Yeah, you're right." Izuku responded, and Tsuyu noticed something about his finger.

"Hey, are you alright? You're smoking." Tsuyu pointed at his finger.

"Yeah I'm fine. It just happens when I sometimes use my abilities. It's no big deal." Izuku said as he then pointed over to somewhere.

"If we follow the shore to the exit, then we can ignore the central plaza entirely. Getting help should be our top priority."

"Good idea. That way we don't run into the villains Mr. Aizawa's facing off with over there."

"I need to get them out of here. I know I can take on more villains now that I'm on land, but I'm not so sure about Tsu and Mineta. Plus, there could be reserves all over the place. Can Mr. Aizawa hold out by himself?" Izuku said in his mind.

"If he doesn't get backup, then he's going to overexert himself. He'll end up defeated by those villains for trying to protect us." Izuku mumbled, but they still heard it.

"Wait...don't tell me you're...Are you trying to get yourself killed or something?" Minoru exclaimed.

"I know I can help him out. You've seen me in action. I don't mean to sound like Bakugou here but you guys would slow me down in a situation like this." Izuku responded, having a stern look on his face.


"Okay Midoriya. I know you said you wanted to take them alone, but we're only here to see what's going on, okay?" Minoru spoke.

"Fine." Izuku sighed.

They saw Aizawa taking villains down left and right. But then something changed. The light blue haired young man with the white hand over his face and clothes charged at Aizawa.

He managed to grab his scarf and get Aizawa closer to his position, managing to put his hand on his elbow.

"It was hard to see when you were jumping around, but I found your tell. It's your hair." The young man determined as something began to emerge around Aizawa's knee.

The students gasped in response, and Izuku was already gone.

Izuku rushed up at the villain and managed to instantly punch him. Afterward, Izuku and Aizawa quickly pushed back.

"You mind the extra load?" Izuku said sarcastically.

"...Fine by me." Aizawa replied, as he noticed his elbow was destroyed. It almost completely decayed.

Izuku and Aizawa managed to take down villains together, staying in sync so the other person could cover each other's backs. Since Aizawa's elbow was destroyed, he couldn't use one of his arms to attack so Izuku had to cover his blind spots.

"Amazing...they're in total sync!" Minoru exclaimed.

After a few minutes, Izuku and Aizawa were surrounded.

The young villain was growling in disappointment and discomfort but then got over it seeing as Izuku seemed to have a Quirk that allowed him super speed at first, explaining how fast he was able to cover for Aizawa.

"That annoying Quirk of yours isn't suited for a situation like this, Eraserhead. Don't you think you're a little out of your element here? Especially since that kid joined the fray. I wonder how long it'll take for him to go down too." The young villain was trying to intimidate him.

The action started once again. Izuku knocked out 2 villains, while Aizawa covered his back using his other hand to control his scarf. Even with one arm, Aizawa managed to knock the villains offguard.

"Look at you both, you are still standing! You really are cool! Oh, by the way heroes...I'm not the final boss."

A black, humanoid monster with a very muscular body, with visible red scars on it would appear right behind Aizawa in a blink of an eye. The Nomu slammed Aizawa into the floor then looked over at Izuku.

Aizawa began to bleed out instantly, as his head was smashed in. Izuku widened his eyes, seeing his teacher suddenly being taken out by some monster.

"Wait, Aizawa couldn't disable it's Quirks? How is that possible? Unless...it's already strong even without Quirks. Which would explain the huge muscular body it has..." Izuku said in his mind, as the Nomu then disappeared, appearing right behind Izuku.

The Nomu punched his head. All it did was make Izuku's head bounce.

Tomura looked devastated. He began scratching his neck in frustration. "How is this kid able to take a direct hit from the Nomu..." He thought in his mind.

Izuku then kicked the Nomu backward, then while it was in midair, he then chanted out:

"Normal Punch."

The punch sent a large amount of wind pressure around the area, causing anyone around to suddenly be blown away. Some villains in the background were sent hurling away, including Tomura. Aizawa laid there on the ground, suddenly looking up at Izuku.

"M-midoriya..." Aizawa mumbled, as he suddenly passed out. He continued to bleed out.

Izuku looked at the Nomu. It had missing limbs, along with a massive hole in it's chest. It suddenly regenerated these missing limbs along with regenerating it's chest.

"This kid...he managed to not only punch away the Nomu with ease...he was actually able to injure it? If the Nomu didn't have those Quirks...he would have been killed instantly..." Tomura concluded, then began scratching his neck in agony.

"You must be one of All Might's disciples...that's the only explanation for your raw power...but no matter...Nomu, kill him!" Tomura shouted.

The Nomu charged forward, launching another attack toward Izuku. This time the attack was stronger. It managed to push Izuku back a bit.

"What? He was able to absorb the attack? No...it doesn't seem like he has two Quirks...if he does...he may have Shock Absorption too...but he wouldn't be able to handle the sheer amount of power the Nomu has..." Tomura started thinking about what Quirk Izuku had.

"My turn." Izuku disappeared.

He appeared in midair right above the Nomu and punched the Nomu directly in it's face, slamming the Nomu into the ground, causing a large shockwave. Debris flew everywhere.

Izuku then ran toward Aizawa as the Nomu was on the ground.

Tsuyu and Mineta ran over.

"Take Aizawa and run. I'll handle the villains here until other Pro Heroes arrive."

"Are you sure, Midoriya?! You are outnumbered here and the other villains are starting to wake up!" Minoru exclaimed.

"Come on, Mineta. We have to go. I'm sure Midoriya has a plan, plus he can handle these villains. We know that much." Tsuyu reassured Minoru.

"Good luck, Midoriya." Mineta said, as he helped Tsuyu carry Aizawa.

The two students ran back toward the entrance.

The black fog creature appeared behind Tomura.

"Tomura Shigaraki."

"Did you managed to kill Thirteen, Kurogiri?"

"The rescue hero is out of commission. But there were students I was unable to disperse and one of them got outside the facility." Kurogiri responded.

Tomura began to scratch his neck even more. "Kurogiri...you fool! First I have to deal with these kid that's able to fight the Nomu, now this?! If you weren't our warp gate, I'd tear apart every last atom in your body!"

Izuku then found himself surrounded by the villains that were recuperating. The Nomu just stood there, awaiting further orders.

Izuku took out the villains in quick succession. He was able to punch them with ease, each villain falling down unconscious.

Izuku then looked at Tomura and launched himself at him, preparing another punch.


The Nomu quickly got in front of Izuku and absorbed the punch. The impact sent the Nomu backward, while Tomura desperately got out of the way.

Kurogiri used his warp gate to teleport Tomura out of the Nomu's impact radius. This time, Izuku didn't put as much power into his fist, but it still left a small hole in the Nomu's chest, one that the Nomu quickly regenerated.

"This Nomu must be pretty strong if it can handle so many punches from me. Maybe I got weaker then Saitama...I mean we are from different universes so..." Izuku began thinking in his head of all the possibilities.

The Nomu then disappeared from where it was last seen and appeared right behind Izuku in midair, preparing another punch.

Izuku was still in the middle of thinking as he caught the Nomu's fist with his finger. The finger being able to absorb not only the punch, but the Nomu's weight in midair.

Tomura was enraged. He began scratching his neck several times.


Tsuyu and Minoru looked over at the situation while carrying Aizawa, clearly in awe.

"Whoa...it's like that thing isn't even a threat to him...while Aizawa got his butt kicked by it." Minoru mumbled.


"You disturbed my thought process...you made a big mistake." Izuku said as he still was holding the Nomu with his finger.

He quickly let go of the Nomu and then punched it backward, causing it to slam into the ground.

Izuku quickly disappeared from his position, appearing right behind the Nomu. He grabbed it's head and tried to rip it off.

The Nomu quickly punched Izuku's head several times, but he wasn't injured at all. The punches were all in vain.

Izuku managed to rip off the Nomu's head, throwing it on the ground.

Suddenly, the Nomu began regenerating it's head once again, and grabbed Izuku's body. It threw Izuku into the ground, causing a massive shockwave.

Izuku grabbed the Nomu's hand and ripped it off, then used several punches to knock it backward and into the ground.

It was a insane brawl between Izuku and the Nomu. Izuku seemed like he was enjoying himself. Tomura and Kurogiri were in shock at how much power Izuku had. It was like he was playing with the Nomu as if it was a ragdoll, secretly toying with it for his own amusement.

"Alright, it's time to end this." Izuku said, as he prepared his final move against the Nomu.

Izuku got into a certain stance and before the Nomu could react, he chanted out:

"Normal Consecutive Punches."

Izuku launched a volley of quick, single-handed punches from his right hand. The blows are powerful enough to completely wipe away the Nomu in an instant, leaving no room for it to regenerate and caused a massive shockwave in the process, causing the ground beneath Izuku and the Nomu to rupture.

No one knew what had happened in that moment. The whole USJ had felt a huge vibration from the sheer amount of punches that Izuku threw. But as far as anyone knew, Izuku had won against the Nomu.

Tomura was shocked. All Might hadn't even showed up yet and the Nomu was beaten so easily. Kurogiri couldn't assist the Nomu due to the intense shockwaves being emitted by the punches.

The villains just sat there, in complete and utter shock.


"His power...it really is like All Might's!" Minoru exclaimed.

"No one could have that much raw power...are they related? Is Midoriya All Might's secret love child?" Shoto questioned in his mind.

"Tch." Katsuki was upset that Izuku had gotten the spotlight, along with his insanely superhuman abilities. But he did admit that Izuku had definitely gotten stronger. He couldn't believe it, but Izuku was a 100 steps ahead of Katsuki, maybe even more.


"He cheated...he cheated...he cheated!" Tomura was screaming inside his mind, as he began scratching his neck intensely.

Izuku then looked at Tomura and Kurogiri with intense eyes.

"Now, which one of you is next?"

Next time, on U.S.J. Arc: Chapter 13...

Note: I apologize for how short this chapter is. I've been busy a lot lately.

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