Battle Trial Arc: Chapter 8

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"I'm not the same defenseless kid you once knew, Bakugou!" Izuku said as Katsuki would get into his battle stance, preparing to rush at Izuku, igniting his palms into explosions.

Izuku looked into Katsuki's eyes and went over their history in his mind. They grew up together in the same neighborhood so they knew each other since they were little kids. All the other neighborhood kids followed Katsuki around all over the place. It seemed like he could do anything he put his mind to. Whatever he decided to do, he was always so confident about it. Izuku thought he was the coolest person he's ever met. But after his Quirk manifested, he changed completely.

"You're shaking in your boots, aren't ya, Deku?! You're so scared, aren't you? But you want to fight me anyway! That's why I hate you!" Katsuki shouted, clearly misreading the situation.

"Is he an idiot? Does he actually hallucinate about me shaking in my boots? What the h*** man." Izuku said in his mind.

Here's the sad truth that Izuku came to realize. Not all men were created equal. When he was four years old, he learned that some kids have more power than others. All his life, he was bullied, taken advantage of, and was cast aside like some kind of disgrace. But now, it was his time to shine and prove to Katsuki that anyone can become strong despite being originally powerless.

"Bakugou! Are you there? Give me a status report! Where are you?" Tenya asked. Bakugou's earpiece started blinking, indicating that Tenya was speaking to him through it.

"Just shut up and defend the weapon, extra! I've got more things to worry about!" Bakugou turned off his earpiece.

"Is he forgetting about what our mission is?" Tenya sounded upset. "We're supposed to be partners! This isn't the time for radio silence! Argh!"


The students began murmuring to each other about what was going on.

"Hey, who's Bakugou talking to? I'm not hearing anything. Can we get any sound with this video?" A student asked. The student was a muscular young man of average height and a rather impressive physique for his young age. He has red eyes that are pointed slightly inwards and a small scar just above his right eye, He also has small eyebrows and very pointed teeth. His hair is somewhat long, dyed a bright red, and spiked away from his head at all angles with gel, two more pronounced tufts spiked on either side of his forehead like little horns. His name was Eijiro Kirishima. His Quirk was Hardening. It allowed him to harden any part of his body. 

"He's got a radio in his ear so he can talk to his partner. I gave it to him before the match started." All Might responded, pointing to his earpiece. 

"I also gave them a map of the building, along with a roll of capture tape. Wrapping this around your opponent means you've apprehended them, and they're out for the rest of the game." All Might said, pointing to the capture tape in his hand. 

"So, there's a 15-minute time limit, and the good guys have no idea what floor the nuclear weapon is hidden on, right?" Mina asked. Her Quirk was Acid. It allowed her to create corrosive liquid from her skin, her skin is naturally resistant to the acid she produces, explaining her pink skin.

"Correct." All Might responded.

"Then the heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here. A big one!" Mina said, noticing what was going on. 

"Real Pros have to outwit villains on a daily basis. That's life. Even when the odds aren't in our favor, we fight!" All Might exclaimed.

"LET'S HEAR A PLUS ULTRA!" All Might and the students shouted.

The students then noticed that Katsuki was on the move.


"Uraraka, go for the payload. I'll keep Bakugou busy here." Izuku whispered to Ochaco, looking over his shoulder. 

She nodded. "Got it."

Katsuki immediately ignited an explosion, using his speed to try and attack Izuku, landing a kick. Izuku blocked the kick with his arm. 

"You're underestimating me, Bakugou." Izuku said as he immediately punched Katsuki's body that was in midair. His chest was completely exposed due to Katsuki starting the fight with a kick. Izuku was fast enough to hit his chest before he landed. 

Katsuki immediately dodged the punch by igniting an explosion, right in Izuku's face. Katsuki then fell back, waiting for a response from Izuku. Izuku then emerged unscathed again, immediately coming out of the smoke that was emitted from the explosion. Katsuki was getting furious.


"Hey, the green and white-haired dude is no joke!" A student exclaimed. The student had on a hero costume that consists of a yellow full-body suit, covering the entirety of his body, the only exceptions being the holes around his mouth, each of his eyes, and his hair. He wears white gloves and boots, and a utility belt around his waist, small quantities of sugar stored inside its pouches. His name was Rikido Sato, his Quirk was Sugar Rush. It allowed him to multiply his strength tenfold if he ingests enough sugar. 

"He's holding his own even though he hasn't even landed a single hit yet!" Another student noticed. His name was Hanta Sero, his hero costume consisted of a black, skin-tight bodysuit with a turtleneck, which is plain apart from a white design on his mid-torso area, and two yellow trimmings around each of his elbow-length sleeves. He wears white boots, lined with yellow, and has white short bands around his waist and the sides of his thighs, a larger one across his chest to connect his shoulder pads, which are shaped like tape dispensers. He completes his outfit with a yellow helmet, shaped similarly to his shoulder pads, which has a large black visor obscuring his face.


"So, he started off with a kick this time, instead of a right hook like he usually does. He's switching things up so I can't predict his moves? Is he getting worried? He should be." Izuku noticed as he was looking up at Katsuki. Izuku then disappeared. 

"Get back here, Deku!" Katsuki rushed through the hallways, trying to look for Izuku. Izuku was on the ceiling, watching his every move. 

Katsuki was getting even more furious. "Damnit! You've been tricking me by acting weak! Now you're laughing behind my back, huh Deku?! You got a Quirk, but let's see how it compares to mine! Quirk or no, you'll never beat me, Deku!" Katsuki ignited his palms into explosions.

"Man, this dude sure knows how to rage. Doesn't this school have anger management classes? He could really use it right now." Izuku continued to look down at Katsuki as he was raging in frustration.


"That guy has some real anger issues. Kinda scary." The short gold hair with the black lightning-shaped streak on his left side of his hair. His name was Denki Kaminari. His Quirk was Electrification. It allowed him to charge electricity in his body and emit it out of his body as some sort of protective aura that electrocutes anyone through contact.

All Might noticed something about Katsuki. "I noticed that Young Bakugou thinks very highly of himself, but this level of pride is definitely something else. It could lead to his demise someday." 


Izuku would start to think in his head. "I can't freestyle this exercise. I have to work together with Uraraka, despite my overwhelming abilities. I have to give her some credit after all. I'll keep Katsuki busy down here and join her afterward." 

"Stop hiding! Come out and face me, you coward!" Katsuki yelled.


The students in the waiting room were wondering why Izuku wasn't attacking Bakugou for some reason.


"You're a worthless bug for me to smash, Deku. Completely useless! But I'm not! I'm so much better than you are!" Katsuki screamed in his head.


Ochaco and Tenya would begin to battle it out at the location of the payload Team D was supposed to protect.


"Well, I guess it's time for me to finish this up. The timer's almost finished." Izuku said, as he literally slammed into the ground behind Katsuki. 

"I'm all loaded up." Katsuki said as his gauntlet glowed red.

"The h*** is that?" Izuku questioned in his mind. 

"Come at me, Deku! Don't tell me you're underestimating me! Get over here and show me what you're really made of." Katsuki smirked.

"Since you're such a stalker, by now you should probably know how my Quirk, Explosion, works. I secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from my hands and make it blow up. Imagine what I could if I had a lot of it. That's right, these gauntlets aren't just for show. They've been storing up my sweat inside for one monster blast!" Katsuki prepared to fire.

"Is he stupid? Why would he expose his plan like that? Man, he's such an idiot." Izuku literally facepalmed himself internally, disappointed in Katsuki. This was the boy he looked up to in the past, but now he looked at him in shame.


All Might immediately noticed something. "No, he's going too far!" He said in his mind. 

"Young Bakugou! Don't do it, you'll kill him!" All Might shouted in his microphone.

"He'll be fine as long as he dodges!" Katsuki released the massive explosion from his gauntlet. It caused a huge explosion in the building, like a raging inferno. The explosion was so fierce Tenya, Ochaco and the students in the watchtower felt it.

"Whoa whoa! This is nuts!" Kirishima shouted. 

All Might and the students looked back at the screen. 

"He's fine." Momo pointed out. 

The other students turned to her, confused. They seemed on edge. 

"Izuku's not that stupid. If it really was a threat to him, he would've dodged it. He's fast enough to do it, but instead, he took it head-on to distract him. That huge explosion is being used to his advantage, not Bakugou's." Momo continued to say, as she pointed at the screen.


As she said, Izuku was completely fine as the smoke confirmed it. The students could see that Izuku was fine, his clothes were just ripped. Katsuki on the other hand couldn't see anything but started chanting about how Izuku couldn't beat him, but as soon as the smoke cleared, it was too late. Izuku was gone, he disappeared in the fog of smoke that was emitted by the huge explosion. Before long, Izuku was right behind Katsuki, in midair. 

Katsuki noticed that Izuku was gone, and slowly moved his eyes to look at Izuku. Izuku was too fast for him to react, as Izuku knocked him to the floor with one single punch to the face. It wasn't too powerful, but it was enough to leave a small smash on the floor. Katsuki wasn't severely injured, but he was almost out cold. 

"You would have caught me off-guard if you hadn't shouted your plan out loud. Do you really think you're better than me to the point where you have to expose your plan? Pathetic. Never underestimate your opponent, Bakugou. That's what you need to learn. Someone needs to put you in your place. That's lost this round." Izuku said as he wrapped the capture tape around Katsuki's chest. 

Katsuki heard every single word but still couldn't say anything from the sheer amount of strength that Izuku put into his punch. He was knocked out cold now and he was out of the game, with the capture tape wrapped around his chest. 

"Now, that's done." Izuku said, clapping his hands together. 


"Bakugou, come in! Answer me! What was that huge blast?" Tenya asked, using his earpiece. Katsuki was out cold, so he couldn't answer him. 

"Now's my chance. If we claim the weapon, that means we win!" Ochaco rushed forward toward the fake nuclear bomb. 

"Not so fast!" Tenya rushed forward. 

Ochaco used her Quirk to float over him, and reached for the payload. 

"All I have to do is touch the weapon, then we win!" Ochaco said in her mind as she reached out her hand to touch it. 

"Since when could she make herself float?!" Tenya questioned in his mind., looking straight at Ochaco. 

"And...Release!" Ochaco said, as she almost grabbed the payload but Tenya used his Quirk to rush the payload out of her reach.

Ochaco yelped, as she didn't what happened. She rolled on the floor, noticing what happened, and slammed into the wall. 

"Admirable attempt, but your Quirk's no threat if you can't touch anything. I can easily keep this weapon out of your reach until time runs out." Tenya laughed. He was trying a new villainous voice, which seemed a bit odd. 

Izuku then appeared right behind Tenya. 

"Oh, hey. What's up?" Izuku said as he slammed his hand into Tenya's helmet. "How did he get behind quick?!" Tenya questioned as he was losing consciousness. 

Ochaco quickly touched the payload, as Team A won the match. 

"Sorry I took so long, Uraraka." Izuku smiled. 

"It's fine, really." Ochaco slightly blushed. 

Time was up.

All Might shouted out: "THE HERO TEAM...WINS!"

Next time, on Battle Trial Arc: Chapter 9...

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