Quirk Apprehension Test Arc: Chapter 5

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"Check out the results from the exam!" A male teacher exclaimed.

"Wow...500 villain points and 60 rescue points? Now that's quite a surprise. No one has ever gotten more than 100 villain points in an Entrance Exam, especially in the large cities that we chose to hold these exams." A female teacher spoke out.

"He took down those robots like a real Pro Hero. His speed, his strength, his reflexes, everything about his combat ability were all-natural. He even took down that 0 Pointer with ease. When most of the examinees were falling behind, he decided not to focus too much on them and focused on clearing out the city. When the big obstacle arrived, he cleared out half of the city in several minutes before the timer even stopped. That kid is definitely tough, tougher then most students I've seen. By raw power alone, he may be as strong as All Might." Another male teacher pointed out.

"On the opposite end, the second-place student got 77 villain points and 0 rescue points. Similar to the first place student, he took down those robots like an ace. No wonder why these two seem so close to one another. When most of the examinees were running away from the big obstacle, he focused more on letting the smaller targets get in close and then counterattacking. This kid is also tough." The same female teacher spoke. 

"Hm..." Another male teacher in the background looked at the statistics. The teacher was a slender and tall pale-skinned man with messy shoulder-length black hair that partially hangs in front of his face and often half-opened black eyes.

Back at Izuku's apartment...

"Izuku, you're all set?" Izuku's mom asked. 

"Yeah, I'm good." Izuku said as he was still packing up his bag. 

"Are you sure? You didn't just pack action figures right?" Izuku's mom questioned. 

Izuku sweat-dropped then responded. "Yes, mom. I have everything." 

"Izuku..." His mom said softly. 

"What is it, mom?" Izuku asked, looking back at his mom. 

"I'm really proud of you, son. I'm glad you're able to achieve your dreams." Izuku's mom smiled and began tearing up.

"Thank you, mom." Izuku quickly gave her a hug, then rushed out the door. "I'll see you soon!" 

Izuku was wearing the standard male uniform: a light gray blazer with dark turquoise trimmings over a white dress shirt and dress pants, along with a red tie which he does properly this time. Instead of the plain brown shoes worn by the majority of the student body, he wears his signature pair of red high tops with white soles and black laces.

The acceptance rate in U.A. High School that year was just as small as it always had been. Out of 300 examinees, only one examinee passed. Four people got in because of recommendations, and 36 through the regular exams. Izuku was one of them. If some Pro Heroes knew about his abilities that were shown at the Entrance Exam, he could have gotten into the High School through recommendations. Despite being Quirkless, he got 500 villain points and 60 rescue points, adding up to 560 total points, instantly getting him the first place spot on the Entrance Exam. No one in the history of U.A. had gotten 560 total points in an Entrance Exam, until now. In the Hero Course, Izuku and the rest of the examinees that passed were split into 2 classes of 20 students each.

Within a few minutes, he appeared right outside of Class 1A's massive door.

"Man, this thing is huge. Are there really giants in here?" Izuku questioned in his mind, as he tilted his head a bit to the right.

Izuku then opened the door, seeing the argument between the same blue-haired boy from before and Katsuki, who was Izuku's former childhood friend and his current childhood bully. 

"Take your feet off of that desk, now!" The boy spoke out. 

"Huh?" Katsuki smirked at the boy, clearly not caring about what the boy was saying. 

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting U.A. by scuffing school property, you cretin!" The boy said out loud. 

"You're kidding me, right? Your old school put a stick up your a**? Or were you born with it?" Katsuki questioned, continuing to have that devilish smirk he always had.

Izuku sighed, "Same old Bakugou, that's for damn sure." Izuku said in his mind.

"Uh-." The boy sighed. "Let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida from Somei Private Academy." Iida said, making weird hand gestures while he was speaking.

"What's with those hand gestures...I still remember those exact gestures from the Entrance Exam." Izuku questioned, raising an eyebrow. 

"Somei, huh? So you must think you're better than me. I'm gonna have fun tearin' you a new one." Katsuki said proudly. 

"You would threaten me? Your classmate? How dare you! Are you sure you're in the right place?" Tenya said, exclaiming.

"Hmph." Katsuki tilted his head to the right in disgust. He then noticed Izuku, so did Iida.

"Oh, it's him..." Tenya said as the rest of the class turned to face Izuku.

Izuku simply turned to face the class and bowed. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, glad to be with you all."

"Good morning! My name is Tenya Iida from-." Tenya was interrupted by Izuku.

"Yeah I know, you're the one with the stick up his a**, right? Or the one who is constantly roleplaying like some kind of damn high school teacher." Izuku said, smirking at Tenya. 

Katsuki would let out a "Pfft" as he was laughing to himself. 

"Uh-." Tenya was practically silent for a few seconds then coughed. 

"Midoriya, you realized there was something more to the practical exam, didn't you?" Tenya questioned.

"Huh?" Izuku asked. 

"You must be very perceptive. And I completely misjudged you from the beginning, I admit. As a student, you're far superior to me." Tenya said, looking like he was ashamed.

"You just realized that now?" Izuku said in his mind as he sweatdropped. 

"Hey! I recognize that hair! Uh...handsome boy?" The girl from before, the one that Izuku saved from the Entrance Exam appeared right behind Izuku. She was obviously blushing again.

"Oh hey. I should thank you for trying to give your points to me for saving you during the Entrance Exam." Izuku said, walking up to the girl right in her face. 

"Uh...it was nothing, I suppose." Ochaco said as she tilted her head down, her face turning extremely red. Izuku went straight for her face. Obviously, Izuku wasn't as "innocent" as he was before. His face looked a lot more masculine and he looked handsome for someone who gained his new looks from the superhuman ability he got from Saitama.

Katsuki looked at Izuku talking with the new girl. He then remembered something from Aldera Junior High School. 


"Wow, not only one but we have two students heading off to UA. By your appearance, it seems you working out actually paid off in the end. It's a miracle." Izuku and Katsuki's old teacher exclaimed, proud of Izuku and Katsuki.

Katsuki then would bring Izuku to an alleyway behind the school. 

"What'd you do to pass the exam?!" Katsuki exclaimed, trying to raise Izuku from his collar but was too weak to even pull him up. Katsuki noticed this.

"What the hell, why can't I pick him up?" He questioned in his mind.

"You must of cheated somehow, right? You're Quirkless! I'm supposed to be the first and only student from this crappy school to get into UA, but you had to go and screw all that up! I warned you not to apply!" Katsuki was screaming his lungs out, angry as hell that Izuku passed the Entrance Exam.

Izuku suddenly disappeared, Katsuki was left speechless. Izuku then appeared behind Katsuki so fast that Katsuki couldn't even react and then punched him into the ground, but not hard enough to knock him out or severely injure him, but with enough force that Katsuki was forced to submit. Katsuki looked back up at Izuku, clearly shocked and angry about Izuku's new strength.

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